About Family Law

In family law, half the battle is keeping on top of the latest case law, legislation, precedents and forms. Lexis+ Family brings everything together for you online, in one place. So you can get up to speed faster, with more time to spend on your clients.

Financial provision

Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of financial provision, from underlying principles considered by the court to applications under specific legislation. Not forgetting in-depth practical guidance on specialist areas.

Private children

Get stuck into all areas of private children law, from fundamental principles to evidence and procedure. Plus subtopics to make sure practitioners have the relevant practical guidance at their fingertips.

International law

Families are increasingly international, so practitioners need quick access to relevant practical guidance. We'll provide the information you need to advise your clients on the best jurisdiction.

Lexis+® Family

In family law, half the battle is keeping on top of the latest case law, legislation, precedents and forms. Lexis+® Family brings everything together for you online, in one place.

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Latest Family Q&As

Can a non-occupying party can claim occupation rent where they have not made any contribution towards the mortgage payments since they vacated? Would notional sale costs be deducted if the property was to be transferred to the occupying party rather than sold?
Does a Form A need to be filed for dismissal purposes where an application for a financial consent order is made via the HMCTS online platform?
A child has a disability and an education, health and care plan in place until age 25. The parties, who were not married, have agreed child maintenance to be paid in accordance with a Child Maintenance Service calculation with a review prior to child's 20th birthday as to whether the maintenance should extend beyond age 20. On drafting a consent order for provision under Schedule 1 to the Children Act 1989, is a periodical payments order required to retain the court's jurisdiction now so that an order can then be made post age 20, or could a later application be made? If so, how should the order be worded?
How can a woman who is not the child’s legal mother and does not fall within the scope of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 acquire parental responsibility for the child?
Divorce proceedings were issued and service by the court was requested. When the respondent failed to return the acknowledgment of service, solicitor service was granted. The court was not satisfied that the respondent had knowledge of the proceedings following the process server serving via letterbox and directed that an application be made for deemed service or alternative service. The applicant wishes to serve at the respondent’s place of work, is permission required for that, or can the applicant simply apply for an extension of time to serve?

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