Most-read LexisNexis research reports of 2023
A curated collection of the most popular and free-to-access LexisNexis reports this year so far.

LexisNexis' editorial and research team produce some of the best thought leadership reports on the legal market.
Hone your business strategy, brush up on the latest tech trends, or ponder a topic that piques your interest.
Read the top LexisNexis thought leadership reports below.
No. 1: Generative AI and the future of the legal profession
How exactly will generative AI impact the practice of the law?
Our survey of 1,000+ UK lawyers sheds light on some of the biggest opportunities, risks and polarising expectations, such as:
70% of in-house counsel expect firms to use generative AI. Only 39% of firms are exploring opportunities to deploy it.
This is a must-read for all lawyers, regardless of their area of expertise, and contains exclusive commentary from top-tier law firms, leading industry bodies and in-house counsel.

Check out our practice notes and precedents on generative AI
Policy—use of generative artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence—intellectual property
Artificial intelligence—UK regulation and the National AI Strategy
Generative AI—is its output protectable by intellectual property rights?
Training materials—artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace
Artificial intelligence—data protection
How to manage the risks of artificial intelligence in your business
Lexis+ AI: Transform Your Legal Work
AI that searches, summarises, and drafts for you using the most trusted, authoritative content from LexisNexis.
AI search that interacts
AI search that interacts
No. 2: The pros and cons of the global law firm
News of Allen & Overy’s merger with Shearman & Sterling has no doubt caused many top law firms to call into question their own transatlantic growth strategies.
LexisNexis spoke with leaders at US and UK headquartered firms to discuss their growth strategies, investments in technology, and the role of the modern lawyer.
Download a free copy of the pros and cons of the global law firm to hear what they had to say.

No. 3: Getting inside the minds of General Counsel
Do you truly understand the challenges your clients are up against?
One of the biggest fears for General Counsel is being siloed from the wider organisation. If communication is poor, then their internal reputations, budgets, and place at the boardroom table are at risk.
The LexisNexis in-house tech survey found:
71% of General Counsel said communication with the wider business could be more effective and efficient.
Find out how you can help your clients drive greater change in their organisations.

Some useful resources to grow your practice
Practice notes: Corporate social responsibility—CSR—regulatory requirements
Guidance: Benchmarking—what are normal measures of financial performance in a law firm?
Practice notes: Preparing an effective tender presentation
Types of ESG finance and sustainable finance
Report: In-house leadership: Generating true value for your organisation
It's time to upgrade your legal research and guidance
Get Lexis+ for leading legal content matched with technically-driven insight. This means actions, recommendations and practical guidance that is available nowhere else.

No. 4: Small firms are investing in organic growth
The 11th annual LexisNexis Bellwether survey revealed 88% of small and medium sized firms are investing more time and money into their business development strategies. And 81% are increasing their marketing activities (only 24% said the same thing in 2022).
Find out more about the strategies, channels and types of work these firms are going after.

Create a business development strategy that delivers results
BD and marketing plan workflow
Fee sharing agreement—law firms
No. 5: The LexisNexis Gross Legal Product (GLP) Index 2023
Find out if demand for your practice area of the law is growing or declining.
The GLP Index gathers current and historic data to predict growth and demand across 12 different practice areas of the law.
Download it to find out where you should invest or reposition your resources in the near and distant future.

No. 6: Calling time on the billable hour
The billable hour has persisted for decades as the default way for law firms to charge clients and measure lawyer performance.
Yet the billing model has attracted criticism for encouraging inefficiency and creating the wrong incentives for lawyers. As a result, more and more work is taking place through alternative billing methods.
In this report, we speak to law firms, lawyers and their clients to discuss the pros and cons of the billable hour model, the challenges of pricing matters when using alternative billing structures – and how these trends are likely to develop in the future.