Edward Craft, Partner
Edward's practice spans the corporate, projects and energy disciplines.
Edward is a corporate governance specialist and Chairman of the Corporate Governance Advisory Group of the Quoted Companies Alliance, the representative body of the small and mid cap quoted sector. Accordingly, Edward is heavily involved in the current live corporate governance policy issues, including diversity, directors' remuneration, the wider promotion of good governance and a sensible and proportionate application of comply and explain at both national and EU level. He is the author of many a consultation response on these themes.
Edward is also active in developments in the low carbon energy space and is currently heavily involved with the EU Common European Sales Law proposals.
Edward's energy practice focuses on low carbon projects. Edward negotiated and prepared the contractual documentation to establish both the UK's first independent electricity distribution network operator and delivered the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme compliance programmes for a number of FTSE 100 and other major companies.