Richard Sterneberg is responsible for the team that leads on government affairs projects with an EU focus across the DLA Piper global network. His practice also focuses on helping clients to comply with international sanctions.
He has 25 years of Brussels experience in the technology and telecommunications sector, international sustainability and environmental issues, as well as working alongside many governments and NGOs to manage risk and complex regulatory issues.
Richard is currently helping leading DLA clients to globally shape their regulatory environment and manage supply chain resilience in increasingly challenging policy settings. He has also been closely involved in competition aspects of patents, data and privacy regulation over the past 10 years.
Richard is a regular contributor in the international media as journalists ask for comment on various regulatory developments and EC investigations as well as new legislation. He has also a regular contributor to blog posts for the DLA website. Richard regularly facilitates meetings for various professional organisations – particularly in advisory boards and have also chaired conferences in the life sciences arena. He has lectured at Leiden University and Hoogeschool Utrecht in The Netherlands. Prior to joining DLA Piper, Richard worked in leading international public affairs consultancies. He also has public sector experience, having worked earlier in his career at the Council of the EU. From 2008 to 2020 he was a partner in leading Brussels government Affairs firm.
Richard's experience helps clients manage regulatory risk through a combination of advocacy and regulatory understanding. He has been a trusted advisor:
· On some of the largest competition and trade cases over the past decade, focusing heavily on regulated sectors such as life sciences and technology (e.g., pricing and reimbursement issues for ultra-rare diseases).
· Developing a Trade and Brexit advocacy coalition, successfully representing e.g., the most affected EU Members States' fishing fleets.
· Guiding content driven companies on their regulatory challenges with a particular focus on antitrust aspects of data, privacy and intellectual property.
· EU Commission published the notice of initiation of an anti-subsidy proceeding against imports of new battery electric vehicles from China, 06 October 2023
· Will the new Deforestation-Free Products Regulation increase European due diligence requirements?, 27 June 2023
· Global Sanctions Update, 24 March 2023
· Driving fast fashion out of fashion: how the EU plans to reform the textile sector by 2030, 2 September 2022
· Proposed EU corporate sustainability due diligence directive: what US companies need to know, 30 March 2022
· Global Sanctions Update, 8 March 2022
· Ukraine crisis: updates to UK, EU and US sanctions in the second ‘phase’ of the international response, 01 March 2022
· Ukraine crisis: updates to UK, EU and US sanctions in the second ‘phase’ of the international response, 1 March 2022
· European Commission proposal for the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, 24 February 2022
· The US, EU and UK implement the 'first phase' of New Sanctions in response to Russia’s recognition of the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, 23 February 2022
· The US, EU and UK implement the 'first phase' of New Sanctions in response to Russia’s recognition of the independence of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, 23 February 2022
· Dutch government moves ahead with human rights due diligence legislation, 10 December 2021
· Get ready for collective actions in Europe, 06 December 2021
· Solutions to the impact of Brexit on Northern Ireland trade, 29 October 2021
Richard is a regular contributor for MLex’s Off the Record, Politico and PARR as journalists ask for comment on various deals and EC investigations as well as new legislation. He has also contributed to blog posts for the company's website.
· Staying ahead of the new AI Act, 14 September 2023
Richard regularly facilitates meetings for various professional organisations – particularly in advisory boards and have also chaired conferences in the life sciences arena.
Visiting lecturer at Leiden University and Hoogeschool Utrecht 2018, 2019.
Prior to joining DLA Piper, Richard worked in leading international public affairs consultancies. He also has public sector experience, having worked earlier in his career at the Council of the EU.
From 2008 to 2020 he was a partner in leading Brussels government Affairs firm.
Richard has run various secretariats of business associations including a pre-eminent organization seeking to address the challenges of doing business in sub-Saharan Africa. He is a member of the board at his children's school and he also manages Hockey club teams.
Richard had received various lobbying awards for campaigns and is listed in best in Brussels
lobbyist ranking