Dr Peter Feldschreiber
Dr. Peter Feldschreiber is dually qualified as a barrister and physician. He specialises in medical and healthcare law including medical products liability, pharmaceutical and medical devices regulatory law, clinical negligence and personal injury and medically related employment litigation.
Casework includes the Aspirin Reyes Syndrome product liability litigation, Atomic Veterans Litigation, the morning after pill litigation, the Seroquel litigation, Foetal Anti-convulsant Syndrome Litigation, Cochlear Implants and Cardiac Stent Litigations and judicial review and references to the ECJ on pharmaceutical regulatory issues.
He has held appointments as Senior Medical Assessor and Special Litigation Coordinator to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, Department of Health.
Dr Feldschreiber is General Editor of The Law and Regulation of Medicines (Oxford University Press) and is Consultant Editor for the Volume on Medical Products for Halsburys Laws of England and the Lexis Nexis series on updates of UK and European Law. He is co-author of the chapter on the regulation of healthcare products in Butterworths Healthcare Law and Practice/
He is retained counsel to a number of solicitors' firms and has experience of international litigation regarding drug induced injury. He has also published extensively on the law of causation and European regulatory procedure. He has published research into the repair of DNA following ionising radiation whilst working at the Institute of Cancer Research.