Nigel Lowe, LLB, LLD, of the Inner Temple, Barrister; Emeritus Professor, University of Cardiff
Professor Nigel Lowe has been a Professor of Law at Cardiff Law School since 1991 and Head of School since 2010.
He is an expert on Family Law and is the co-author of the leading text Lowe and Douglas ' Bromley's Family Law' and is a specialist in Child Law and in particular, International Child Law (he is a co-author of Lowe , Everall and Nicholls 'International Movement of Children').
He has written extensively and has given numerous papers both nationally and internationally. He is an editor of Clarke Hall & Morrison on Children, an editor of Family Law Reports, a consultant editor of International Family Law and he is a member of the editorial boards of The Child and Family Law Quarterly and Fam RZ.
He is currently working on a long standing project with the European Commission on Family Law on Property Relations between Spouses, the book on which is planned to be published in 2013.