Sarah Mumford
Sarah Mumford has, consecutively, been Best Practice Partner at two commercial law firms (TLT LLP and Bevan Brittan LLP). In those roles, she was responsible for guidance, quality standards (ISO 9001 and 27001), compliance, risk, complaints, claims, practice governance and Stuff (from ‘mundane to merger’). She is a regular speaker at risk management events. Prior to moving into management, she was a commercial litigation solicitor. She has dealt with professional negligence (defendant and claimant) throughout her career but has also specialised at different times in insolvency, contentious construction law and professional conduct. Since September 2013 she has been running her own risk management consultancy for lawyers offering confidential advice, training, audit and guidance, working with firms from sole practitioner, to niche to Top 30 firms. As a consultant, she has been interim Director of Risk for varying periods, at Taylor Wessing, Addleshaw Goddard and Trowers & Hamlins.