Claire Poirson#5199

Claire Poirson

Claire Poirson has a recognized practice in the fields of Intellectual Property Law, Information Technology and Data Protection as well as in distribution, media and press laws.

Before joining the firm Bersay as a partner, Claire worked nearly for nine years at De Pardieu Brocas Maffei (2009 to 2017) and three years at Fried Frank Harris Shriver and Jacobson (2006 to 2009).

Her last publications in IP/IT matters are the followings:

  • Pour une régulation de la reconnaissance faciale "à la Française" (22/11/19 - Journal du Net). For a law in favor of facial recognition in France
  • Quel internet voulons-nous? La question que pose la proposition de loi contre la cyberhaine. - The internet, what do we want? This is the question raised by the French cyber hate bill "(19/07/2019 -  the Huffingtonpost)
  •  L'essor de la marketplace : quels enjeux juridiques ?,324356
  • (10/07/2019- LSA and Usine Digitale). - The rise of the marketplace: which legal issues?
  • Le secret des affaires pour défendre l'innovation ? - For a better protection of the innovation. (3/01/2019- Les Echos)
  • She is the author of the 'Franchise', Licensing' and 'Intellectual Property and Antitrust' chapters for France published by Getting the Deal Through - Lexology. (2018/2019/2020)
She also regularly publishes on parity. Her last publication " Bilan de nos lois actuelles sur la parité dans le secteur privé à l'aune de la loi pour l'émancipation économique " was published in the Journal de L'Economie. (appraisal of all the laws on parity in the private sector in the light of the bill on " the economic empowerment of women " expected for 2020).

Practice Area


  • International Panel

Qualified Year

  • 2006


  • Member of the European Association of representative for artists and authors (AEDAMA)
  • Member of the French Computer Law Association (AFDIT) and of the French Association of Data Protection Officers (AFCDP).
  • Board Member of the French Women Lawyers Association (AFFJ) and of the European Women Lawyers Association (EWLA)


  • LL.M - International and European Business Law - University of Cambridge (2003)
  • International and European Litigation - University of Paris X - (2004)
  • (DESS) - International Business Law - University of Dijon (2002)

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