Iris Ferber#6259

Iris Ferber, KC

Barrister, 42 Bedford Row
Iris Ferber is an established Housing and Employment Law specialist, with a particular interest in discrimination law, including disability discrimination law. She is listed in both the UK Bar legal directories (The Legal 500 and Chambers UK), for both her Employment work and her Housing work. 
Contributed to


Practice notes

This Practice Note deals with eligibility for allocation of housing accommodation by local housing authorities in England and Wales). It identifies circumstances an applicant will not be eligible for an allocation of social housing which in England relate exclusively to immigration status. In Wales, there is an additional category of unacceptable behaviour that may exclude an applicant from eligibility for an allocation of social housing.

Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the qualification for allocation of housing by a local housing authority (LHA) in England which was introduced by the Localism Act 2011 into the Housing Act 1996. It does not apply in Wales. It covers the general provisions applicable to allocation, the extra considerations in relation to the armed forces, the right to move and the interrelationship between the various considerations.

Practice notes

This Practice Note focuses on the eligibility of applicants for housing assistance under the homelessness provisions of Part VII of the Housing Act 1996 (HA 1996) in England, and Part 2 of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 (H(W)A 2014) in Wales. It covers decision making on eligibility, when the question should be determined. It also discusses who is eligible for housing assistance and who is not and the matters to be taken into consideration when determining the issue.

Practice Area


  • Contributing Author

Qualified Year

  • 2005

Year Taken Silk

  • 2023


  • Cobden House Chambers (2005 - 2012)


  • Discrimination Law Association
  • Employment Lawyers Association
  • Employment Law Bar Association
  • Social Housing Law Association
  • Property Bar Association
  • Chancery Bar Association


  • Bar Vocational Course (2005)
  • GDL (2004)


  • MPhil University of Cambridge (2002)

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