Browne Jacobson Ireland LLP



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Darragh Killeen
Browne Jacobson Ireland LLP
Keara McGinley
Browne Jacobson Ireland LLP
Shannon Fahy
Browne Jacobson Ireland LLP
Contributions by Browne Jacobson Ireland LLP Experts


Other Work
Ireland—Jurisdiction in civil litigation
Ireland—Jurisdiction in civil litigation

This Practice Note provides an overview of the jurisdiction rules which determine circumstances in which the Irish civil courts may hear an action which has an international aspect. It includes guidance on international jurisdiction (under Brussels I (recast), the Lugano Convention and the Hague Convention). It also provides guidance on the position where multiple proceedings are begun in different jurisdictions. Finally, this Practice Note offers practical tips when considering issues of jurisdiction in Ireland.

Ireland—Remedies for trade mark infringement
Ireland—Remedies for trade mark infringement

This Practice Note deals with the civil remedies available in Ireland to the proprietors of Irish and/or EU trade mark registrations on foot of a successful trade mark infringement claim. It examines the statutory basis for and applicable case law on damages, account of profits, erasure, delivery up or destruction of infringing materials, interim remedies and injunctions to restrain further acts of infringement, order for disclosure of information, order for recall, removal or destruction and publication of the judgment.

Ireland—Trade mark infringement and interim injunctions
Ireland—Trade mark infringement and interim injunctions

This Practice Note explores the use of interim relief in trade mark proceedings, with a focus on interim injunctions. It examines law, procedure and practical issues relating to interlocutory injunctions, Anton Piller orders, Norwich Pharmacal orders, Mareva injunctions, Bayer injunctions, application for action and perpetual injunctions.

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