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Christine Cooper
Field Court Chambers
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Field Court Chambers
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Field Court Chambers
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Field Court Chambers
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Homelessness in Wales—interim duties
Homelessness in Wales—interim duties
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the interim duties owed by a local housing authority (LHA) in Wales toward those presenting as homeless. It covers when interim duties occur, the need to provide immediate accommodation in certain circumstances and when the interim duty is discharged.

Homelessness—interim duties
Homelessness—interim duties
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the interim duties that a local housing authority (LHA) has to provide accommodation to a homeless applicant pending completion of its initial enquiries into the applicant’s circumstances pursuant to section 188 of the Housing Act 1996 (HA 1996). It also covers the power to accommodate pending an HA 1996, s 202 review and HA 1996, s 204 appeal of an unfavourable decision for the applicant.

Homelessness—the meaning of the terms ‘homelessness’ and ‘threatened homelessness’
Homelessness—the meaning of the terms ‘homelessness’ and ‘threatened homelessness’
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers the definitions of the terms ‘homeless’ and ‘threatened with homelessness’ as set out in section 175 of the Housing Act 1996 (HA 1996). Where a local housing authority (LHA) believes that a person is homeless or may be threatened with homelessness, it has a duty to make inquiries into their eligibility for homelessness assistance and into what housing duty (if any) is owed to them under HA 1996.

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