This Practice Note describes the main trade associations which provide arbitration services to the international commodities trades and discusses distinctive features of their arbitration rules. The principal trade associations considered throughout the Practice Note are the Grain and Feed Trade Association (GAFTA) and the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations (FOSFA). Other trade associations mentioned include the International Cotton Association (ICA), the London Metal Exchange (LME), the British Coffee Association (BCA) and the Refined Sugar Association (RSA). The Practice Note provides an introduction to commodities arbitration and considers: the role of trade arbitrators, the use of trade representatives instead of lawyers in commodities arbitration, general procedure in commodities arbitration, time limits (or time bar provisions) and appeals against first-tier tribunal decisions to appeal board or appeal committees (the two-tier system). This topic may be referred to as: cross-border commodities contracts arbitration proceedings; commodities dispute resolution; commodities disputes; and, international commodity trade arbitration.