Rajah & Tann LLP



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Avinash Pradhan
Rajah & Tann LLP
David Isidore Tan
Rajah & Tann LLP
Ng Kim Beng
Rajah & Tann LLP
Contributions by Rajah & Tann LLP


SIAC (2013)—Notice of Arbitration [Archived]
SIAC (2013)—Notice of Arbitration [Archived]

This Precedent has been archived and is not maintained. This is a Precedent Notice of Arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre 2013 (5th edition) (2013 SIAC Rules). The 2013 SIAC Rules apply to arbitrations commenced on or after 1 April 2013, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.

SIAC (2013)—Notice of Arbitration-cover letter [Archived]
SIAC (2013)—Notice of Arbitration-cover letter [Archived]

This Precedent has been archived and is not maintained. This is a Precedent cover letter to accompany a Notice of Arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre 2013 (5th edition) (2013 SIAC Rules). The 2013 SIAC Rules apply to arbitrations commenced on or after 1 April 2013, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.

Contributions by Rajah & Tann LLP Experts


Interim remedies in support of arbitration in Singapore
Interim remedies in support of arbitration in Singapore
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers the availability of interim remedies (interim measures; interim relief; emergency relief) in support of arbitration prior to and during the course of an arbitration. The Practice Note also covers judicial attitudes towards enforcement of such interim measures.

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