Harvey on Industrial Relations and Employment Law | LexisNexis

Harvey is the complete compendium of industrial relations and employment law in the UK and Wales

Harvey covers a broad range of topics related to industrial relations and employment law, including the historical and theoretical background of the field, the legal framework of employment relations, individual employment rights, collective bargaining, industrial action, discrimination law, and the role of employment tribunals. Harvey also provides practical guidance on how to handle employment law issues in the workplace. Access this content via Lexis+® today.

Ground your advice in authority

If you have a question on industrial relations or employment law, Harvey will have the answer. This comprehensive guide covers everything from the fundamental to the highly complex.

Access a wealth of expert knowledge and experience

First published in 1984, Harvey is written by leading practitioners, judges and academics in the field of employment law. Harvey is widely recognised as the definitive authority on Industrial Relations and Employment Law.

Have confidence your law is up to date

Harvey is updated regularly to reflect changes in the law and practice. The frequency of updates can vary depending on the pace of change in the relevant areas of law and practice, but typically the entire book is updated at least once a year.

Easy to use – saving you research time

Find the content you need, quickly and conveniently. Organised by subject area, you can browse across six main parts covering a wide range of topics related to industrial relations and employment law.

Frequently cited in court, recognised across the industry

Harvey is frequently cited in court as a reliable and authoritative source of information on industrial relations and employment law.

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Legal Research is fully integrated with Practical Guidance on Lexis+ UK, easily discover what the law says and what to do about it, all in one place. Colour-coded results help you to find the insights and answers you need.

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Fully integrated with Legal Research on Lexis+ UK, see the Guidance and the underlying law it supports all in one place.

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“As employment law specialists Harvey on Industrial Law and Employment is our bible and having it online means we can access it from anywhere.”

Nikki Morton, Office Manager, Morrish Solicitors LLP

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