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Modern Irish Company Law Second edition

Modern Irish Company Law sets out with clarity and authority the principles and practice of contemporary Irish company law.
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Published: December 31, 2001
ISBN/ISSN: 9780853087052

Product description

Why should you buy Modern Irish Company Law Second edition

Modern Irish Company Law sets out with clarity and authority the principles and practice of contemporary Irish company law. Previously published as Irish Company Law for Business, the book provides for lawyers, company secretaries and students the most up to date, comprehensive and accessible statement of the law available.

Company law remains one of the more complex areas of law with a bewildering mass of detailed rules and provisions, which even the most experienced company law expert can find complicated and testing. Professor Ellis expertly breaks down the company law code into its constituent legal parts, examining in turn its:

  • Legislative aims - covering investor protection and creditor protection
  • Key concepts - including incorporation, separate legal personality, limited liability and corporate governance
  • Contractual elements - the core relationships involving the company, its shareholders and its creditors, including receivership and liquidation
  • Legal liabilities of directors and auditors
  • Compliance and enforcement matters - implementation of the Company Law Enforcement Act 2001 and the creation of the office of Director of Corporate Enforcement

Using this structure, Professor Ellis restates company law, emphasising its common law antecedents. This approach - together with the clear layout of the text - facilitates access to and a deeper understanding of the complex and dynamic area of law and practice.


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