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Enforcement of Consumer Rights and Protections

Enforcement of Consumer Rights and Protections is a practical ready-reference to help guide lawyers when dealing with client work in relation to goods, digital content and services, and an essential aid for local authorities when prosecuting or bringing enforcement action against traders.

Publisher: LNUK
In Stock
Published: December 11, 2015
ISBN/ISSN: 9781405758765
Publisher: LNUK

Product description

Why should you buy Enforcement of Consumer Rights and Protections

Enforcement of Consumer Rights and Protections is a practical ready-reference to help guide lawyers when dealing with client work in relation to goods, digital content and services, and an essential aid for local authorities when prosecuting or bringing enforcement action against traders.

The book covers powers and responsibilities of regulatory bodies, the UK's approach to sanctions, criminal penalties, investigatory powers, disclosure, consumer redress, the Ombudsmen Schemes and the EU framework within which UK measures apply. It provides a birds' eye view of the regulatory arena, encompassing the changes since April 2014 in every area where consumer rights and protections are engaged. It deals with the Consumer Law Reform Programme, notably;  

  • The Consumer Rights Act 2015
  • Part 4A of the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations  2008
  • Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015

It also addresses the ways in which other legislation is making changes for consumers, especially in the provision of services such as consumer credit, communications and transport and contains pointers to much Government Guidance on the very many topics which comprise consumer law.


Product reviews

Claire Andrews should be congratulated...
by Peter Cartwright
Professor of consumer protection law, University of Nottingham, New Law Journal July 2016, p22
"Claire Andrews should be congratulated in how she has met the extraordinary challenge of how to deliver a book of this breadth while still going into an appropriate amount of depth."

Featured Authors

Table of contents

Consumer protection and regulatory controls
Private enforcement rights and protections
Consumer Contracts for goods and Digital Content
Enforcement powers
Encouraging compliance and creating conformity between enforcement authorities
Administrative powers - powers which regulators have to control the activities of traders
Offences - how does the UK approach sanctions - criminal penalties
Defences - burden of proof
Investigatory Powers - power of entry
Sampling; Disclosure in regulatory cases - what has to be disclosed
Expert evidence
Regulatory sentencing - criminal procedure rules
Non-statutory controls
Enterprise Act 2002, part 8 - injunctive powers of the Act
New regulatory penalties under the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008
Consumer Redress Schemes
Ombudsmen Schemes