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LexisPSL Pensions

LexisPSL Pensions provides a full range of practical materials designed for online and grouped together by topic to mirror the way you work.

Publisher: LNUK
In Stock
Published: February 19, 2013
ISBN/ISSN: Z00005049160X
Publisher: LNUK

Product description

Why you should buy LexisPSL Pensions

Pensions is already one of the most complex and technical areas of the law. And with new legislation, the advent of auto-enrolment and a move towards defined contribution schemes, it’s about to become even more challenging.

LexisPSL Pensions guides you through the complex web of pensions legislation and case law and helps you keep up with the latest changes.

Our concise practice notes give you an expert view in a few pages – with clear explanations of the legal principles, practical tips from specialists with first-hand experience and direct links to all of the key legislation, cases, guidance and commentary you need (including Pensions Ombudsman Determinations, the Registered Pension Schemes Manual and extracts from Tolley’s Pensions Law Service).

News alerts and updates also make it easy for you to see what’s on the horizon.

Easy to use and navigate, LexisPSL Pensions helps you with the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘Y’ of pensions law, freeing up more time for valuable client work.