Gary Delderfield#1204

Gary Delderfield

Gary Delderfield is a partner in Eversheds Sutherland's Human Resources Practice Group. He specialises in pensions and also heads our Public Sector Pensions Group.

He advises trustees, employers and providers on a wide range of contentious and non-contentious pension issues. Gary is also a nationally recognised expert in the area of public sector pensions law advising clients on issues across local government, central government, education, health and voluntary sectors.

His recent experience includes setting up a new final salary pension scheme, advising on a section 75 withdrawal arrangement, advising the trustees of a final salary pension scheme on the winding up of the scheme and advising a private contractor on the pension aspects of a large scale TUPE staff transfers from the public sector.

Gary is a regular speaker on pension issues and speaks on the Local Government Employers' annual 'Fundamentals' trustee training course. He has also written widely on pension issues for publications such as Pensions Week, Pensions Management, Pension Lawyer, Tolleys Pensions Law, Legal Week and PAYadvice (magazine of the Institute of Payroll Professionals).
Contributed to


Central government outsourcing—the old Fair Deal and pensions [Archived]
Central government outsourcing—the old Fair Deal and pensions [Archived]
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the impact and development of the Fair Deal principles on outsourcing contracts with central government public bodies and how it is applied since the introduction of the new Fair Deal guidance on 4 October 2013 (Fair Deal 2013). In particular, this note covers the Cabinet Office Statement Of Practice, the scope of the old Fair Deal principles and the way in which old Fair Deal offers protection for future service and past service pension benefits of public sector staff, the enforceability of these protections and the recent changes introduced by new Fair Deal. Finally, it explains the extent to which new hires of private sector contractors who work alongside former public sector staff are protected.

Local government outsourcing—the pension issues
Local government outsourcing—the pension issues
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the pension requirements on local government bodies when outsourcing their public sector services to the private sector and on subsequent re-lets of such outsourcing contracts. In particular, this Practice Note explains the requirements of the Best Value Authorities Staff Transfers (Pensions) Direction 2007 (the Best Value Direction), the enforcement of the Best Value Direction, and plans to replace the Best Value Direction with Fair Deal 2013. This Practice Note also covers the level of protection given to new recruits of private contractors working alongside former local government staff.

The Electricity Supply Pension Scheme
The Electricity Supply Pension Scheme
Practice notes

This Practice Note looks at the key aspects of the Electricity Supply Pension Scheme (ESPS), including the main parties, eligibility and membership, contributions and the main benefits and provisions at a scheme-wide level.

The Electricity Supply Pension Scheme—Protected Persons
The Electricity Supply Pension Scheme—Protected Persons
Practice notes

This Practice Note looks at the statutory protection of the pension arrangements of members of the ESPS following privatisation of the electricity industry in 1990.

The legacy Local Government Pension Scheme
The legacy Local Government Pension Scheme
Practice notes

This Practice Note relates to Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) benefits accrued to 31 March 2014 (which remain linked to final salary for active members) and to LGPS members who qualify for the underpin protection under the reformed LGPS for pensionable service up to 31 March 2022.

The legacy National Health Service Pension Scheme
The legacy National Health Service Pension Scheme
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the legacy NHS Pension Scheme (legacy NHSPS), which is composed of two separate sections, the 1995 Section and the 2008 Section.

The legacy Teachers’ Pension Scheme
The legacy Teachers’ Pension Scheme
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the terms of the legacy Teachers’ Pension Scheme (legacy TPS), including the legislation governing the legacy TPS, its administration, eligibility requirements, contribution levels and benefit features, and scheme documentation.

The Local Government Pension Scheme—admission agreements
The Local Government Pension Scheme—admission agreements
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the different types of admission bodies and the requirements that must be met to enter into an admission agreement for the purpose of participating in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). It also covers the admission of employees to the LGPS, aggregation of LGPS membership, risk assessments, indemnities, bonds and guarantees, notification requirements, termination of an admission agreement, and risk-sharing mechanisms like cap and collar and pass through arrangements.

The reformed Local Government Pension Scheme
The reformed Local Government Pension Scheme
Practice notes

This Practice Note relates to Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) benefits accrued from 1 April 2014. It may be necessary to refer also to the Practice Note on the legacy LGPS in relation to LGPS members who qualify for the underpin protection under the new scheme.

Other work

Central government pensions—overview
Central government pensions—overview

This Overview provides a brief outline of the key central government public sector pension schemes such as the National Health Service Pension Scheme, the Civil Service Pension Scheme, the Teachers’ Pension Scheme and the Judicial Pension Scheme. It also outlines the pension protections (known as Fair Deal) available on a transfer of a public service from central government departments or agencies, as well as the role of the Pensions Regulator in respect of public sector pension schemes.

Local government pensions—overview
Local government pensions—overview

This Overview provides a brief outline of the legacy Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), the reformed LGPS, pension protections which apply on the outsourcing of local authority services, admission agreements by which bodies may be admitted to participate in the LGPS and the role of the Pensions Regulator in respect of public sector pension schemes.

Regulated industries—overview
Regulated industries—overview

This overview provides an outline of the pension arrangements which tend to operate on a industry-wide basis. In particular, this covers the Electricity Supply Pension Scheme.

Practice Areas


  • Contributing Author

Qualified Year

  • 1998


  • Midlands APL regional committee, The Association of Pension Lawyers

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