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Eversheds Sutherland
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Eversheds Sutherland
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Eversheds Sutherland
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Eversheds Sutherland
Michaela Walker
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Eversheds Sutherland
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Eversheds Sutherland
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Peter Harper
Eversheds Sutherland
Phil Spyropoulos
Eversheds Sutherland
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Eversheds Sutherland
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Eversheds Sutherland
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Eversheds Sutherland
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Eversheds Sutherland
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Legal Director
Eversheds Sutherland
Sean Ryan
Eversheds Sutherland
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Eversheds Sutherland
Steve Smith
Eversheds Sutherland
Thomas Pritchard
Principal Associate PSL
Eversheds Sutherland
Tim Smith
Eversheds Sutherland
Tracey Wingman Ho
Eversheds Sutherland
Zia Ullah
Eversheds Sutherland
Contributions by Eversheds Sutherland


UK merger control
UK merger control
Practice notes

A conversation with Peter Harper, partner, Annabel Borg, principal associate PSL and Claire Morgan, principal associate, in the London office of international law firm Eversheds Sutherland, on key issues on merger control in the UK. This is part of our collection of over 125 maintained national merger control guides.

Contributions by Eversheds Sutherland Experts


Brexit and IP completion day—the implications for pensions [Archived]
Brexit and IP completion day—the implications for pensions [Archived]
Practice notes

This Practice Note has been archived and is not maintained. It outlines the key pensions implications arising from the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union and the end of the implementation period (transition period) for the Withdrawal Agreement on IP completion day. The Practice Note also considers the concept of retained EU law in the pensions context. It also looks at the impact of Brexit on various topics of interest to pensions lawyers. This Practice Note is for background information only.

Central government outsourcing—the old Fair Deal and pensions [Archived]
Central government outsourcing—the old Fair Deal and pensions [Archived]
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the impact and development of the Fair Deal principles on outsourcing contracts with central government public bodies and how it is applied since the introduction of the new Fair Deal guidance on 4 October 2013 (Fair Deal 2013). In particular, this note covers the Cabinet Office Statement Of Practice, the scope of the old Fair Deal principles and the way in which old Fair Deal offers protection for future service and past service pension benefits of public sector staff, the enforceability of these protections and the recent changes introduced by new Fair Deal. Finally, it explains the extent to which new hires of private sector contractors who work alongside former public sector staff are protected.

Energy storage—planning issues
Energy storage—planning issues
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers how the development of facilities associated with the storage of electrical energy is dealt with under the planning regime in England and Wales, some of the issues associated with this, and how these issues might be resolved in the future.

Local government outsourcing—the pension issues
Local government outsourcing—the pension issues
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the pension requirements on local government bodies when outsourcing their public sector services to the private sector and on subsequent re-lets of such outsourcing contracts. In particular, this Practice Note explains the requirements of the Best Value Authorities Staff Transfers (Pensions) Direction 2007 (the Best Value Direction), the enforcement of the Best Value Direction, and plans to replace the Best Value Direction with Fair Deal 2013. This Practice Note also covers the level of protection given to new recruits of private contractors working alongside former local government staff.

Product liability and product recall insurance—essentials
Product liability and product recall insurance—essentials
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers product liability and product recall insurance.

Side pockets for FCA authorised funds
Side pockets for FCA authorised funds
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)’s regime that enables authorised funds to use side pockets for assets affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the resulting sanctions. In particular, it sets out questions and answers relating to this regime, among other, on: scope; initial considerations; impact on investors; cost considerations; alternatives;  changes to the FCA’s proposed rules;  and any further FCA guidance relating to side pockets and managing side pockets.

The FCA Consumer Duty—implications for CMCs
The FCA Consumer Duty—implications for CMCs
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers two impacts of the Consumer Duty on claims management companies (CMCs): firstly, how the Consumer Duty applies to CMCs; including how CMCs are within scope of the Duty, sectoral considerations in respect of each cross-cutting obligation and each of the four customer outcomes; and how FCA concerns—both historical and present—have translated into the FCA’s expectations for CMCs in meeting the Consumer Duty; secondly, it considers how CMCs will make use of the Consumer Duty to advance claims.

Other Work
Central government pensions—overview
Central government pensions—overview

This Overview provides a brief outline of the key central government public sector pension schemes such as the National Health Service Pension Scheme, the Civil Service Pension Scheme, the Teachers’ Pension Scheme and the Judicial Pension Scheme. It also outlines the pension protections (known as Fair Deal) available on a transfer of a public service from central government departments or agencies, as well as the role of the Pensions Regulator in respect of public sector pension schemes.

FCA Discussion Paper DP21/4 Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels
FCA Discussion Paper DP21/4 Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels

Financial Services analysis: Following the recent UK government Roadmap, on 3 November 2021, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a discussion paper setting out its plans for Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) for corporates, asset managers and products, and a sustainable investment categorisation and labelling scheme for retail investment products. This News Analysis, authored by Michaela Walker and Phil Spyropoulos, partners of Eversheds Sutherland, sets out a summary of the discussion paper.

FCA policy statement on long term assets funds (LTAFs)
FCA policy statement on long term assets funds (LTAFs)

Financial Services analysis: Michaela Walker, partner, Julian Brown, partner, Mark Latimour, partner and Gareth Collins, associate, of Eversheds Sutherland LLP analyse the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA’s) policy statement on the new UK Long Term Asset Fund (LTAF), including governance and disclosure, purpose, investment powers and restrictions, valuation, redemptions and distribution.

Has the FCA made good on the Treasury’s promise to fix PRIIPs for the UK?
Has the FCA made good on the Treasury’s promise to fix PRIIPs for the UK?

Financial Services analysis: Phil Spyropoulos, partner, and Thomas Pritchard, principal associate PSL, both of Eversheds Sutherland, analyse the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)’s final rules on packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs). In particular, the authors examine whether the amendments solve the PRIIPs problem areas raised in 2020 relating, among other things, to scope, performance scenarios, transaction cost and risk disclosures.

Ireland—Civil appeals from the High Court to the Court of Appeal
Ireland—Civil appeals from the High Court to the Court of Appeal

This Practice Note considers appeals from the High Court to the Court of Appeal. It provides an overview of the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal, its role and its conduct in relation to appeals from the High Court.

Ireland—Deed of partial release: for a debenture or mortgage—single company security provider—partial release
Ireland—Deed of partial release: for a debenture or mortgage—single company security provider—partial release

This Precedent can be used for partial release of security and is intended for use in relation to a bilateral debenture or mortgage document where the chargor is a company registered in Ireland. The partial release of a mortgage or charge will usually be documented through a deed of release. This is particularly important where the security has been released early or without full satisfaction of the debt as this avoids any debate about a lack of consideration and ensures that any third-party dealing with the security provider can be confident that the partial release was effective. Also, the partial release should be documented by way of a deed if the security involves a legal mortgage of land in order to satisfy LCLRA 2009 (IRL). A partial release may be suitable when the creditor still requires certain security to be held It is therefore important that the description of the released property is clearly and accurately described in the schedule to the deed of partial release.

Ireland—Deed of release: for a debenture or mortgage—single company security provider—full release
Ireland—Deed of release: for a debenture or mortgage—single company security provider—full release

This Precedent can be used for full or partial release of security and is intended for use in relation to a bilateral debenture or mortgage document where the chargor is a company registered in Ireland. The release of a mortgage or charge will usually be documented through a deed of release. This is particularly important where the security has been released early or without full satisfaction of the debt as this avoids any debate about a lack of consideration and ensures that any third-party dealing with the security provider can be confident that the release was effective. Also, the release should be documented by way of a deed if the security involves a legal mortgage of land in order to satisfy LCLRA 2009 (IRL). A full release may be suitable when the creditor no longer requires any security to be held, for example, when all debts owed to the security holder are being repaid or refinanced by another lender. Where a full release is taking place, the obligations and liabilities of the security provider will also be released. 

Ireland—Releasing security
Ireland—Releasing security

This Practice Note considers the release of security following the full or partial satisfaction of a secured debt. It looks at some preliminary issues to consider before any release is effected and the steps that must be taken to register the release of security at the Companies Registrations Office and/or on an asset register (eg at Tailte Éireann, Registry of Deeds, at the Central Bank of Ireland, on the Register of Ships, at the Irish Aviation Authority or at the Intellectual Property Office of Ireland).

Local government pensions—overview
Local government pensions—overview

This Overview provides a brief outline of the legacy Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), the reformed LGPS, pension protections which apply on the outsourcing of local authority services, admission agreements by which bodies may be admitted to participate in the LGPS and the role of the Pensions Regulator in respect of public sector pension schemes.

Regulated industries—overview
Regulated industries—overview

This overview provides an outline of the pension arrangements which tend to operate on a industry-wide basis. In particular, this covers the Electricity Supply Pension Scheme.

The European Commission’s Q&As on the regulation on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR)
The European Commission’s Q&As on the regulation on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR)

Financial Services analysis: Phil Spyropoulos, partner, and Marta Gajos, associate of Eversheds Sutherland analyse the European Commission’s Q&As on the application of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR).

The FCA to consult on side pockets for Russian and Belarusian assets
The FCA to consult on side pockets for Russian and Belarusian assets

Financial Services analysis: Ronald Paterson, partner, Sarah Burnside, legal director, and Thomas Pritchard, principal associate professional support lawyer, all of Eversheds Sutherland (International) LLP analyse the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)’s announcement that it plans to consult on allowing UK authorised retail funds to make exceptional use of ‘side pockets’ in light of the difficulties to dispose of Russian and Belarusian assets. Areas covered include how side pockets can be used effectively, their effect on retail investors and the reason why side pockets have not been used previously for FCA authorised retail funds.

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