Sean Ryan
Sean Ryan is a Senior Partner and Head of EU & Competition at Eversheds Sutherland, Ireland. As a leading lawyer in competition law / antitrust law, with over 25 years’ experience, Sean has a deep understanding of the complex legal landscape surrounding
competition law / antitrust law. He was the first lawyer to be appointed ‘Monitoring Trustee’ by the Irish competition regulator, and is regularly involved in advising clients on high profile and complex competition law matters. Sean has advised on some of the highest profile competition law matters in Ireland over the past number of years, including a number of transactions that have been specifically
singled out by the CCPC as being complex transactions from a competition law perspective requiring commitments.
The Eversheds Sutherland Ireland Competition Team advises clients on a wide range of competition law matters including EU and Irish merger filings; joint ventures (the Team advised the first joint venture
involving all the main Irish banks in over 20 years); competition law compliance and training programmes ; dawn raids; distribution models; no-poach agreements; dominance; anti-competitive agreements; Irish FDI screening compliance / filings; and EU FSR compliance / filings. The Team’s experience and deep understanding of competition law makes it a trusted advisor to clients on competition law matters across a wide range of industries, assisting clients achieve their strategic objectives while navigating complex competition law and associated regulatory issues.