Simon Phippard#6110

Simon Phippard, LLB AKC FRAeS

Solicitor, Bird & Bird
I am a specialist aviation and aerospace lawyer with a wide range of experience in contentious and non-contentious matters both in private practice (23 years) and in-house (7 years). I originally specialised in litigation and arbitration, handling commercial, insurance and liability disputes worldwide as solicitor and client. This included 10 years in aviation casualty work including major accidents and recourse claims. More recently, I have gained extensive experience in transactional work including commercial negotiations. I have a unique level of technical and product related knowledge on flight operations, product integrity and regulatory requirements, continuing airworthiness management and other issues affecting design, manufacture, repair and operation of all kinds of aircraft. Extensive experience in international, regional and domestic economic and technical regulation affecting aviation. Particular specialisation in unmanned aircraft and application of new technologies to aviation business. 

Specialist also in anti-bribery and corruption compliance across aviation, aerospace as well as other sectors.
Contributed to


Drones—the EU legal framework
Drones—the EU legal framework
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers the key EU legal issues arising in relation to the use of unmanned aircraft or drones in a recreational and commercial context.

Drones—the UK legal framework
Drones—the UK legal framework
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers the law relating to the operation of small civilian drones (also referred to as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), unmanned aircraft or small unmanned aircraft (SUA)) for commercial and recreational purposes. It looks at the UK regulatory framework with particular emphasis on the Air Navigation Order 2016, the UK Implementing and Delegated Regulations and the open, specific, and certified categories. It also considers issues of criminal and civil liability that may arise when using a drone including trespass, negligence and nuisance.

Drone services agreement
Drone services agreement

This Precedent drones agreement is intended for use in a business-to-business (B2B) transaction for the supply by a drone operator and the purchase by the customer of drones (or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or unmanned aircraft system (UAS)) services for the supply of a single deliverable or output, to be delivered as a result of data captured during a drone flight or series of related flights using a drone or drones. The Precedent incorporates industry insight and feedback as provided by ARPAS-UK (the UK Drone association).

Practice Areas


  • Contributing Author

Qualified Year

  • 1989


  • Clifford-Turner and Clifford Chance (1987 - 1994)
  • Barlow Lyde & Gilbert (1995 - 2005)
  • Rolls Royce plc (2005 - 2012)


  • Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (Council member 2017-2019)
  • Freeman of the Honourable Company of Air Pilots
  • Member of the Aircraft Operators and Pilots' Association
  • Member of the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies


  • Solicitor (1989)


  • Kings College, London (1985)
  • College of Law, Guildford (1986)
  • University College, London (1988)

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