Where: (a) in accordance with section 20(2) of the Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995 (ATA 1995) the landlord has provided a benefit in consideration of the provision of a tenant's improvement; and (b) the landlord and the tenant have also agreed to cap the compensation payable under ATA 1995, s 20(4A); is the reduction provided for by ATA 1995, s 20(2) applied to the compensation as capped under s 20(4A) and (4B) of the Act, or is the cap not taken into account for the purpose of ATA 1995, s 20(2), meaning that the compensation will be the lesser of the compensation calculated pursuant to the statutory formula (ie ignoring the cap) and the capped amount? Is there anything stopping the parties agreeing a nominal sum (ie £1) as the compensation limit?