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Katya Vagner
Kelly Whiter
Nathan Evans
Partner - Solicitor
Tim Wright
Contributions by Fladgate Experts


Using framework agreements for services
Using framework agreements for services
Practice notes

This Practice Note explains the key legal and practical issues involved in using framework agreements for services. It explains what framework agreements are, the reasons for using these types of agreements (or not) and points to consider when drafting a framework agreement.

Wilful misconduct and deliberate default in commercial contracts
Wilful misconduct and deliberate default in commercial contracts
Practice notes

This Practice Note sets out guidance upon the meaning, use and importance of commonly used terms in exclusion and limitation of liability clauses in commercial agreements, including the terms: abandonment; wilful misconduct; and deliberate default. It considers how these terms have been interpreted via case law and includes tips for parties when drafting and negotiating commercial agreements.

Other Work
Transfer of shares where right of first refusal (ROFR), drag along and tag along provisions apply—flowchart
Transfer of shares where right of first refusal (ROFR), drag along and tag along provisions apply—flowchart

This flowchart, produced in partnership with Anthony Shatz of Fladgate LLP, illustrates the steps to be taken and the issues to consider in relation to a transfer of shares in a joint venture company (JVC) with right of first refusal (ROFR), drag along and tag along provisions included in its articles of association/shareholders’ agreement.

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