Winckworth Sherwood



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Charlotte Coleman
Winckworth Sherwood
Jo Hannah
Winckworth Sherwood
Contributions by Winckworth Sherwood Experts


Outsourcing agreement—long form employment (TUPE) provisions
Outsourcing agreement—long form employment (TUPE) provisions

This Precedent contains employment provisions to be inserted into a precedent long form outsourcing agreement, under which the customer appoints a supplier as an outsourced services provider of a particular business function of the customer, change of service provider. It is in schedule form, drafted in favour of the customer. It contains specific provisions covering the application of the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE 2006) on entry into the deal and on exit together with reporting and related obligations to ensure smooth TUPE transitions if a termination or transfer of service occurs during the term.

Outsourcing agreement—short form employment (TUPE) provisions
Outsourcing agreement—short form employment (TUPE) provisions

This Precedent contains employment provisions to be inserted in a precedent short form outsourcing agreement, under which the customer appoints a supplier as an outsourced services provider of a particular business function of the customer. It is drafted on a balanced basis. It contains specific provisions covering the application of the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE 2006) on entry into the deal and on exit together with reporting and related obligations to ensure smooth TUPE transitions if a termination or transfer of service occurred during the term.

Other Work
Rights of light—identifying provisions in leases—checklist
Rights of light—identifying provisions in leases—checklist

This Checklist sets out which clauses in a lease and other relevant documents should be reviewed to determine whether a right of light exists.

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