Landmark Chambers



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Alex Goodman
Landmark Chambers
Alistair Mills
Landmark Chambers
David Nicholls
Landmark Chambers
James Maurici
Landmark Chambers
John Hobson
Landmark Chambers
Katherine Traynor
Landmark Chambers
Miranda Butler
Landmark Chambers
Reuben Taylor
Landmark Chambers
Richard Turney
Landmark Chambers
Robert Walton
Landmark Chambers
Siân McGibbon
Landmark Chambers
Stephen Morgan
Landmark Chambers
Timothy Corner
Landmark Chambers
Contributions by Landmark Chambers


Costs capping in environmental matters
Costs capping in environmental matters
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers the use of protective costs orders (PCOs) in judicial review (JR) proceedings for environmental matters, produced in partnership with Landmark Chambers. It explains what a PCO is, and when they can be used in environmental matters. It covers access to justice and costs under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention), the application of the Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2013, SI 2013/262 (CPR), PCOs in an Aarhus Convention claims and PCOs in non-Aarhus claims under CPR. It also covers the changes regarding costs protection in judicial reviews after the entry into force of sections 88–90 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015.

Judicial review—standing in environmental matters
Judicial review—standing in environmental matters
Practice notes

This Practice Note outlines the test for standing in judicial review (JR) proceedings and specifically looks at standing in the context of environmental law judicial reviews. It was produced in partnership with Landmark Chambers. It covers the sufficient interest test, claimants and funding.

Contributions by Landmark Chambers Experts


Age assessments—immigration and asylum
Age assessments—immigration and asylum
Practice notes

This Practice Note discusses undocumented migrants claiming to be children, the general policy of the Home Office on assessing age, local authority age assessments and the procedure for challenging local authority age assessments.

Asylum seekers with children under 18 and unaccompanied asylum seeking children who reach 18
Asylum seekers with children under 18 and unaccompanied asylum seeking children who reach 18
Practice notes

This Practice Note provides a brief overview of support for families with children under the age of 18 who claim asylum, failed asylum seekers who have children under the age of 18, and unaccompanied asylum seeking children who reach the age of 18 while under the care of a local authority.

Compulsory purchase—compensation
Compulsory purchase—compensation
Practice notes

This Practice Note provides guidance on the general principles of compensation following a compulsory purchase order (CPO). It explains: the general principles of compensation; what the ‘Compensation Code’ is; the basis for compensation, including market value of land taken, severance and injurious affection, disturbance and fees; planning assumptions in valuing land; the date of valuation; the time limit for bringing a claim; blight; when compensation is payable for the execution or continued use of works or for interference with an easement or other right; and reforms.

Development in the green belt
Development in the green belt
Practice notes

This Practice Note explains the circumstances in which development may be permitted in the green belt. It covers the meaning of ‘very special circumstances’, the construction of new buildings, change of use, renewable energy and recreation in the green belt in England (under the National Planning Policy Framework) and Wales (under Planning Policy Wales).

Discharge from bankruptcy
Discharge from bankruptcy
Practice notes

This Practice Note, produced in partnership with David Nicholls of Landmark Chambers, considers what discharge from bankruptcy is, when it occurs, and what effect it has on the bankrupt and their creditors.

Effect of the debtor's death on an insolvency process
Effect of the debtor's death on an insolvency process
Practice notes

This Practice Note looks at what happens where an individual debtor dies before or after bankruptcy proceedings are commenced against them, and before and after an individual voluntary arrangement they have proposed is approved by their creditors. This Practice Note is produced in partnership with David Nicholls of Landmark Chambers.

Green belt and green wedge policy in Wales
Green belt and green wedge policy in Wales
Practice notes

This Practice Note provides guidance on green belt and green wedge policy in Wales, including: legislation and policy; differences between England and Wales; the difference between a green belt and a green wedge; purpose and designation; the presumption against inappropriate development; and the effect of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.

Green belts
Green belts
Practice notes

This Practice Note sets out guidance on how green belt is treated in the planning system in England and Wales. It explains: policy relating to green belts, with reference to the National Planning Policy Framework; the presumption against inappropriate development in the green belt unless very special circumstances can be demonstrated; purposes of including land in green belt; how boundaries are determined; the removal and establishment of green belt land; and how green belt land use swaps work.

Hazardous substances and planning
Hazardous substances and planning
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the policy regime relating to hazardous substances and how policy considerations are taken into account in development management decisions and plan making. It focuses on how consideration of hazardous substances consent is dealt with in the planning application and plan making processes.

Interim orders and individual voluntary arrangements (IVAs)
Interim orders and individual voluntary arrangements (IVAs)
Practice notes

This Practice Note, produced in partnership with David Nicholls of Landmark Chambers, considers interim orders made in the context of individual voluntary arrangements (IVAs). Interim orders prevent legal proceedings against debtors—and execution against debtors’ property—from being commenced or continued with, except with the leave, or permission, of the court while the debtor’s IVA proposal is considered by creditors.

Local authority duties towards unaccompanied asylum seeking children
Local authority duties towards unaccompanied asylum seeking children
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the local authority’s duties where a child (person under the age of 18) arrives in the UK alone. It covers the various duties following age assessment depending on the determination, including the duty to accommodate and transition at age 18.

Minerals planning
Minerals planning
Practice notes

This Practice Note provides guidance on mineral planning policy in England and Wales, including: the definition and types of minerals; national policy; Minerals Planning Authorities and their functions; planning applications; constrained areas; procedural aspects; minerals local plans; minerals planning orders; and review of minerals planning conditions.

Non asylum seeking families with no leave to remain and dependent children
Non asylum seeking families with no leave to remain and dependent children
Practice notes

This Practice Note discusses issues that a local authority (LA) should consider in its treatment of non asylum seeking families with no leave to remain and dependent children, including the LA’s duties towards a family of this type and the steps that an LA can take to avoid breaching the family’s rights under the European Convention of Human Rights.

Statutory planning review—s 287, s 288, s 63, s 73, s 183, s 22 and s 113 challenges
Statutory planning review—s 287, s 288, s 63, s 73, s 183, s 22 and s 113 challenges
Practice notes

This Practice Note summarises the provisions pursuant to which a statutory planning challenge can be brought. It explains the scope of challenges which can be brought under sections 287 and 288 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, section 63 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, sections 73 and 183 of the Historic Environment (Wales) Act 2023, section 22 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990, or section 113 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. It explains who has standing to bring a statutory planning challenge, the applicable statutory time limits for commencing proceedings, what the grounds of claim focus on, and procedural matters under the applicable Civil Procedure Rules.

The Planning (Wales) Act 2015
The Planning (Wales) Act 2015
Practice notes

This Practice Note explains the key provisions of the Planning (Wales) Act 2015 (P(W)A 2015). It covers: the background to P(W)A 2015; objectives of P(W)A 2015; sustainable development; development planning, including the National Development Framework, strategic planning and local development planning; applications direct to Welsh Minister for developments of national significance; development managements; enforcement and appeals; and town and village greens.

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