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Tudor Plapcianu
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Contributions by Norton Rose Fulbright


Aircraft lease maintenance obligations
Aircraft lease maintenance obligations
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers the obligations the lessor will ask the lessee to undertake during operation of the aircraft and in particular covers mandatory checks and inspections, manuals and technical records, approved maintenance programmes, airworthiness directives, service bulletins and customer care programmes.

Aviation finance and the Cape Town Convention
Aviation finance and the Cape Town Convention
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the purpose of the Cape Town Convention, registration under the Cape Town Convention, the priority of international interests, remedies and enforcement, deregistration, the Cape Town discount under the OECD Arrangement and the position post Brexit, all in the context of aviation finance transactions.

Aviation finance—aircraft finance leases
Aviation finance—aircraft finance leases
Practice notes

This Practice Note looks at aircraft finance leases in comparison to secured lending structures and operating leases. It covers the common types of payment required under a finance lease, calculation of interest and early termination payments, the factors which impact on the nature of payments under a finance lease (such as taxes, increased costs, market disruption and indemnities), security over the aircraft (including aircraft mortgages and assignment of the lease), insurances and possession of the aircraft and events of default under a finance lease structure.

Aviation finance—aircraft operating leases
Aviation finance—aircraft operating leases
Practice notes

This Practice Note explains the key characteristics of an aircraft operating lease and the key differences between an operating lease and a finance lease. It considers the key provisions in operating leases, in particular, delivery conditions, the case of ACG v Olympic, rent and deposits, the right to quiet enjoyment of the aircraft and operational indemnity together with subleasing, wet leasing, events of default and redelivery. It also includes information on Export Certificates of Airworthiness.

Aviation finance—aircraft tax leases
Aviation finance—aircraft tax leases
Practice notes

This Practice Note explains what tax leases are and how they are used in leveraged leasing structures in the context of aviation finance transactions. It considers Japanese operating leases, German operating leases and French tax leases as well as the risks involved in tax leasing structures and the consequences of early termination.

Aviation finance—Export Credit Agency financing
Aviation finance—Export Credit Agency financing
Practice notes

This Practice Note explains the role of Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) in aviation finance and looks at which ECAs are the most active in aviation finance, the nature and types of support they offer and the benefits of ECA financing. It also explains the key structures and documentation issues, including the security package, to consider in ECA financings for aviation finance.

Aviation finance—Islamic finance considerations
Aviation finance—Islamic finance considerations
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the main principles of Islamic finance, Islamic finance structures used in aviation finance (in particular Murabaha, Ijarah and Ijarah-wa Iqtina) and the key features of an Islamic lease

Aviation finance—PDP financing
Aviation finance—PDP financing
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers pre-delivery payments (PDPs), how PDP financing is documented (particularly the terms of the aircraft purchase agreement), the structure of the PDP financing facility, common security issues, the terms of the consent agreement and the step-in structure.

Aviation finance—PDP financing: insolvency, enforcement and step-in rights
Aviation finance—PDP financing: insolvency, enforcement and step-in rights
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers enforcement, insolvency and clawback, the terms of consent agreements, step-in rights in a Pre-Delivery Payment (PDP) financing and the consent agreement setting out lender rights

Emissions trading considerations in aviation finance transactions
Emissions trading considerations in aviation finance transactions
Practice notes

This Practice Note explains the legislative background to the key emissions trading schemes relevant to the aviation industry and considers the parties and flights affected by the schemes. It covers the EU emissions trading system (the EU ETS), CORSIA (and its integration into the EU ETS) and the UK emissions trading system and explains the principal obligations of an aircraft operator under each scheme. It also covers practical issues for lessors, lessees and financiers that arise on non-compliance and in relation to wet leasing.

EU competition law and big data and algorithms [Archived]
EU competition law and big data and algorithms [Archived]
Practice notes

The impact on EU competition law of big data and the use of algorithms has been of growing importance and debate. There are two main concerns, first, that the use of algorithms processing big data may play a role in restrictive agreements, decisions or concerted practices or otherwise facilitate collusion and second, that the collection of big datasets that are valuable, unique and non-replicable may create barriers to entry and market power for the data holder. This practice note explores these concerns and the application of EU competition law to them. Following publication on 01/11/2017, this practice note has been archived and is not maintained..

Introductory guide to aviation finance
Introductory guide to aviation finance
Practice notes

This Practice Note explains the legal and structural specificities which set aviation finance apart from other types of finance such as the value of the asset, internationality, taxes and liability and insurance. It also covers the sources of funding, common transaction structures and leasing.

Key considerations when registering aircraft mortgages at the Civil Aviation Authority in aviation finance transactions
Key considerations when registering aircraft mortgages at the Civil Aviation Authority in aviation finance transactions
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the process for registering a security interest in the UK at the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), priority of mortgages, changes made to a mortgage registration, searching the register, deregistration, the Cape Town Convention and registering the security interests in other jurisdictions.

Purchase agreements for new aircraft
Purchase agreements for new aircraft
Practice notes

This Practice Note looks at the parties involved and the most important provisions in a purchase agreement for new aircraft, factors affecting the price of the aircraft, engine contracts and pre-delivery payments

Registration of aircraft—initial registration and deregistration
Registration of aircraft—initial registration and deregistration
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers the reasons why an aircraft must be registered with an aviation authority in order to operate internationally. It looks at the registration process and the consequences of registration. The Practice Note also considers the different types of aircraft register—‘Owner’ and ‘Operator’ registers and explains the different requirements for particular aircraft registers, in particular the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), including mandatory insurance requirements. Finally the Practice Note sets out the steps involved in the deregistration process.

Sale and purchase of second hand aircraft
Sale and purchase of second hand aircraft
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the key provisions of a purchase agreement, financing of the transaction, the sale of any aircraft which are on lease, taxes and the importance of the delivery location, as well as the Cape Town Convention.

Taking security over aircraft in aviation finance transactions
Taking security over aircraft in aviation finance transactions
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers what an aircraft mortgage is, which laws should govern the creation of an aircraft mortgage, creating a mortgage under English law, registration of aircraft mortgages in the UK and overseas, priority, claw-back and enforcing English mortgages and the alternative of structuring the transaction as a finance lease.

The use of residual value agreements in aviation finance
The use of residual value agreements in aviation finance
Practice notes

This Practice Note explains why residual value agreements are used in aviation finance and the key types of residual value agreement such as residual value guarantees, asset value guarantees, put options, residual value insurance policies and first loss deficiency guarantees. It also covers the common features of residual value agreements, the mechanics of making a claim under residual value guarantees and the key considerations when negotiating a residual value agreement, including the liability of the guarantor, the lease terms and the potential consequences of a failure to sell the aircraft on the open market.

Use of insurance in aviation finance transactions
Use of insurance in aviation finance transactions
Practice notes

This Practice Note provides an overview of insurance in aviation finance, the main concerns for aviation financiers and lessors and considers key concepts such as averaging, run-off or tail cover insurances and reinsurance. It covers the key features and terms of aviation insurance policies including the lessor’s rights in relation to the policies, certificates of insurance and the role of insurance brokers, the contract parties and the loss payable clause. This Practice Note also covers causes of third-party liability such as surface damage, negligence and damage to passengers, baggage or cargo, including the provisions of both the Warsaw Convention and the Montreal Convention.

Using special purpose vehicles in aviation finance—subsidiary companies, orphan trusts and limited partnerships
Using special purpose vehicles in aviation finance—subsidiary companies, orphan trusts and limited partnerships
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the advantages and key structural issues to consider when using the main types of special purpose vehicle (SPV) in aviation finance and sets out the advantages of using SPV’s in an aviation finance transaction such as protections in the event of bankruptcy, tax benefits and the ring-fencing of revenue streams.

Contributions by Norton Rose Fulbright Experts


Asset-based lending
Asset-based lending
Practice notes

This Practice Note is an overview of typical financing structures adopted by UK asset-based lenders. It provides a summary of the key legal issues that arise in relation to receivables financing (usually by means of an invoice discounting facility or factoring facility), as well as inventory financing, plant and machinery financing and real estate financing. It also considers the types of security which are taken in asset-based lending (ABL) transactions, the use of fixed and floating charges, non-vesting debts in receivables purchases and intercreditor issues.

Australia merger control
Australia merger control
Practice notes

A conversation with Dr Martyn Taylor, Partner and Australian Head of Competition, in the Sydney office of international law firm Norton Rose Fulbright in Australia, on key issues on merger control in Australia.

CIETAC (2015)—emergency arbitrator procedures [Archived]
CIETAC (2015)—emergency arbitrator procedures [Archived]
Practice notes

This Practice Note has been archived and is not maintained. This Practice Note sets out how to apply for the appointment of an emergency arbitrator under the China International Economic Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) Arbitration Rules 2015. It also sets out the requirement for acceptance and appointment by CIETAC and the position on arbitrator disclosures and challenges. The note covers the procedure once an emergency arbitrator has been appointed and the arbitrator’s powers. It also covers the emergency arbitrator’s order.

CIETAC (2015)—evidence [Archived]
CIETAC (2015)—evidence [Archived]
Practice notes

This Practice Note has been archived and is not maintained. This Practice Note sets out how a tribunal will deal with evidence in an arbitration under the arbitration rules of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC and the CIETAC Rules 2015). It covers documentary, witness and expert evidence. It also considers the CIETAC Guidelines on Evidence in force from 1 March 2015.

CIETAC (2015)—joinder and consolidation [Archived]
CIETAC (2015)—joinder and consolidation [Archived]
Practice notes

This Practice Note has been archived and is not maintained. This Practice Note provides guidance on applying to join additional parties to a pending arbitration and to consolidate two or more pending arbitrations pursuant to the China International Economic Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) Arbitration Rules 2015.

CIETAC (2015)—responding to a Request for Arbitration [Archived]
CIETAC (2015)—responding to a Request for Arbitration [Archived]
Practice notes

This Practice Note has been archived and is not maintained. This Practice Note sets out how a defendant should respond when served with a request for arbitration under the CIETAC Arbitration Rules 2015. It covers what a Statement of Defense (Defence) must contain and how to file a counterclaim.

CIETAC (2015)—starting an arbitration [Archived]
CIETAC (2015)—starting an arbitration [Archived]
Practice notes

This Practice Note has been archived and is not maintained.This Practice Note has been archived and is not maintained. This Practice Note sets out how to start an arbitration under the CIETAC Arbitration Rules 2015 including what to consider prior to commencement, the information required by CIETAC and the fees that must be paid.

CIETAC (2015)—summary procedure [Archived]
CIETAC (2015)—summary procedure [Archived]
Practice notes

This Practice Note has been archived and is not maintained. As a part of the arbitration rules of the China International Economic Trade Arbitration Commission 2015 (CIETAC and the CIETAC Rules 2015), there is an expedited arbitration procedure (known as the summary procedure) available in certain circumstances.

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