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Contributions by Freshfields


Examining the anatomy of Mudaraba Islamic financing
Examining the anatomy of Mudaraba Islamic financing
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers how Islamic finance has evolved and focuses on the rise of mudaraba as a transaction structure. In particular, the note considers the structure and required elements of a mudaraba transaction and looks at the key transaction documents

Introductory guide to high yield bonds
Introductory guide to high yield bonds
Practice notes

This Practice Note is an introduction to high yield bonds. It looks at the investors of these instruments, the reasons for investing in them and their advantages as compared to loans. It also discusses the entities that issue these instruments and provides an overview of the high yield bond market.

Operating under a nuclear site licence
Operating under a nuclear site licence
Practice notes

This Practice Note covers the requirements for operating under a nuclear site licence under the Nuclear Installations Act 1965. It includes an outline of the legal framework and enforcement.

Contributions by Freshfields Experts


Branch incorporation and tax
Branch incorporation and tax
Practice notes

This Practice Note explains the various reliefs from corporation tax available (provided certain requirements are met) upon incorporation of an overseas branch, including relief in respect of chargeable gains and under the intangible fixed assets regime, as well as relief pursuant to the UK legislation that implemented the Mergers Tax Directive.

Company migration or corporate inversion—how to change tax residence in practice
Company migration or corporate inversion—how to change tax residence in practice
Practice notes

This Practice Note outlines how a UK tax resident company can migrate from the UK in practice, including by way of direct emigration (by transferring its tax residence overseas) or corporate inversion (by inserting a new non-UK resident top company). This Practice Note also briefly explains how and why a non-UK company might migrate to the UK by becoming UK tax resident. Produced in partnership with Nicholas Gardener of Ashurst.

Consequences of company migration—UK exit charges and post-migration UK tax considerations
Consequences of company migration—UK exit charges and post-migration UK tax considerations
Practice notes

This Practice Note outlines the UK corporation tax exit charges that can arise as a result of a company’s migration by shifting its tax residence from the UK to another jurisdiction; the circumstances in which such charges can be deferred; and the post-migration UK tax considerations.

Criminal offences under the Pension Schemes Act 2021—impact for employers and trustees
Criminal offences under the Pension Schemes Act 2021—impact for employers and trustees
Practice notes

This Practice Note looks specifically at the two key criminal offences introduced by the Pension Schemes Act 2021 which came into force on 1 October 2021, namely ‘avoidance of employer debt’ and ‘risking accrued scheme benefits’, including who they apply to, what types of activity will be caught, when they can be prosecuted, and what constitutes a reasonable excuse, as well as their impact on the sponsoring employers and trustees of defined benefit pension schemes.

EU Recast Second Wire Transfer Regulation (Recast WTR2)—cryptoasset transfers
EU Recast Second Wire Transfer Regulation (Recast WTR2)—cryptoasset transfers
Practice notes

This Practice Note sets out the obligations of cryptoasset service providers (CASPs) under the EU’s Recast Wire Transfer Regulation 2 (Recast EU WTR2) (also referred to as the Recast Funds Transfer Regulation 2 (Recast FTR2)) and the European Banking Authority’s (EBA) Travel Rule Guidelines, applicable from 30 December 2024. It provides practical guidance on tackling key challenges for CASPs such as self-hosted addresses and a lack of standardised messaging infrastructure.

Investment-grade, high yield and crossover bonds
Investment-grade, high yield and crossover bonds
Practice notes

This Practice Note sets out what investment-grade, high yield and crossover bonds are and the differences between them.

Legal protection of databases in the UK
Legal protection of databases in the UK
Practice notes

This Practice Note provides guidance on the UK protection of databases and database rights. It examines what a database is, copyright in databases and the sui generis database right. The Practice Note also covers competition issues that may arise from the exercising of rights that protect databases and deals with other ways of protecting databases such as using the law of confidential information, database application software, and provides practical tips for protecting databases.

The FCA Consumer Duty—application to wholesale firms
The FCA Consumer Duty—application to wholesale firms
Practice notes

This Practice Note considers the application of the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) Consumer Duty to wholesale firms. It considers the scoping exercise for wholesale firms, including relevant exclusions, the meaning of material influence, and the proportional application of the Consumer Duty. For those activities of a wholesale firm which fall within the scope of the Consumer Duty, it sets out a number of key considerations in respect of each cross-cutting obligation and each of the four retail customer outcomes. Furthermore, it considers how the requirements of the Consumer Duty overlap with pre-existing regulatory rules applicable to the wholesale sector, in particular, the FCA’s Product Intervention and Product Governance Sourcebook (PROD) and UK retail disclosure requirements.

Letter to HMRC giving notice under TMA 1970, s 109B of company’s intention to cease to be UK resident
Letter to HMRC giving notice under TMA 1970, s 109B of company’s intention to cease to be UK resident

This Precedent is a letter notifying HMRC (as required by TMA 1970, s 109B) of a company’s intention to cease to be UK resident and seeking HMRC’s approval of the proposed arrangements for payment of the company’s UK tax liabilities.

Other Work
Corporate migration by shifting tax residence—checklist
Corporate migration by shifting tax residence—checklist

This Checklist outlines the points that must be considered when a company is migrating from the UK by shifting its tax residence from the UK to another jurisdiction.

Lord O’Shaughnessy’s UK commercial clinical trials sweeping review and Government response
Lord O’Shaughnessy’s UK commercial clinical trials sweeping review and Government response

Life Sciences analysis: O’Shaughnessy Review recommends overhaul to revitalise UK commercial clinical trials landscape; UK Government responds with limited ‘headline commitments’ with full response to follow. Harriet Hanks, Counsel, and Emily Fowler, Associate, of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP consider Lord James O’Shaughnessy’s review of commercial clinical trials in the UK, the key ‘problem statements’ and recommendations proposed and the government’s response to the Review as it prepares legislative reforms for a new, post-Brexit clinical trial regime.

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