About Employment Law

We know that employment law is a fast-paced world and that staying on top of all the latest legal developments is a time-consuming job – add this to the time you spend carrying out research and tracking down the right precedents and you have really eaten into the precious hours in your working day.

Starting employment

We cover recruitment, employment contracts, policies, handbooks and more. It’s not just contracts though. Other documents may regulate the employment relationship, such as policies, procedures and collective agreements.

Managing the employment relationship

Sickness and absence is a common occurrence in an employment relationship that brings up multiple legal issues. We offer a range of resources with practical guidance and legal considerations.

TUPE, outsourcing, share. and asset purchases

TUPE 2006 will likely apply when acquiring businesses through an asset purchase. You’ll need to consider due diligence, consultation obligations, employees and liabilities transferred to the buyer.

Stay on top of changes

We know that employment law is a fast-paced world and that staying on top of all the latest legal developments is a time-consuming job – add this to the time you spend carrying out research and tracking down the right precedents and you have really eaten

Our Top Sources

Latest Employment Q&As

On a relevant transfer under TUPE 2006, can one of the parties to the transfer (ie the transferor or the transferee) enter into a settlement agreement with an employee in relation to a claim arising under TUPE 2006 which will protect that party from liability in respect of TUPE 2006 if the other party fails to reach a settlement?
Where the employer asserts that CCTV footage shows evidence of an employee’s actions that would justify his dismissal, can the employee require the employer to provide them with a copy of that CCTV footage, for the purposes of deciding whether to bring a claim for wrongful dismissal against the employer?
When it comes to compliance with the Acas early conciliation (EC) requirement and a claim being accepted by the employment tribunal, if there is a discrepancy between the EC certificate and the claim form in terms of how the respondent is named, must the employment tribunal reject the claim?
What are the consequences or sanctions if a party does not pay costs that have been awarded by an employment tribunal against them?
We understand that the Ministry of Justice has signed the 113th update—practice direction amendments, which makes amendments to various practice directions supplementing the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR)—which refer to changes in statements of truth. We assume this does not affect claims issued in the Employment Tribunal but would appreciate it if you could confirm that our understanding is correct.

Associated legal terms