About Family Law

In family law, half the battle is keeping on top of the latest case law, legislation, precedents and forms. Lexis+ Family brings everything together for you online, in one place. So you can get up to speed faster, with more time to spend on your clients.

Financial provision

Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of financial provision, from underlying principles considered by the court to applications under specific legislation. Not forgetting in-depth practical guidance on specialist areas.

Private children

Get stuck into all areas of private children law, from fundamental principles to evidence and procedure. Plus subtopics to make sure practitioners have the relevant practical guidance at their fingertips.

International law

Families are increasingly international, so practitioners need quick access to relevant practical guidance. We'll provide the information you need to advise your clients on the best jurisdiction.

Lexis+® Family

In family law, half the battle is keeping on top of the latest case law, legislation, precedents and forms. Lexis+® Family brings everything together for you online, in one place.

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Latest Family Q&As

Foster carers have been approved by the fostering panel to adopt, but, following their approval, further information came to light which had to be investigated. The investigation was completed and an addendum report supported approval. Does the case have to go back to the fostering panel or to the agency decision maker? What are the regulations underpinning this?
A child was placed with kinship carers by local authority (LA) A, which subsequently agreed to another child being placed with the same carers by LA B pending an assessment of the carers as to their suitability to be foster carers. The care plan for both children is for special guardianship orders to be made. In such circumstances, which local authority should deal with the foster care temporary approval and reviews for the second child?
What is the procedure in an application for nullity that relies on the respondent’s wilful refusal to consummate the marriage where the respondent fails to file the acknowledgment of service? Can the application proceed simply by serving respondent with the papers in the same manner as a divorce?
Can the notes taken by a contact centre regarding supervised contact visits, and which have been filed with the court in proceedings for a child arrangements order, be disclosed by a party to the proceedings to their solicitor in relation to criminal proceedings without obtaining permission from the family court?
A spousal periodical payments order included a step down reduction in the monthly amount. The paying party has overpaid in error by £50,000 over a five year period. What options exist for the paying party to recover some or all of the overpayment?

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