Comprehensive coverage of all aspects of financial provision, from underlying principles considered by the court to applications under specific legislation. Not forgetting in-depth practical guidance on specialist areas.
Get stuck into all areas of private children law, from fundamental principles to evidence and procedure. Plus subtopics to make sure practitioners have the relevant practical guidance at their fingertips.
Families are increasingly international, so practitioners need quick access to relevant practical guidance. We'll provide the information you need to advise your clients on the best jurisdiction.
In family law, half the battle is keeping on top of the latest case law, legislation, precedents and forms. Lexis+® Family brings everything together for you online, in one place.
Private Client analysis: This appeal concerned the narrow question of whether the ‘success fee’ part of a conditional fee agreement (CFA) can be...
The President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane, has released new practice guidance on the use of intermediaries, lay advocates and...
Private Client analysis: P’s family appealed against the judge’s decision that it was in P’s best interests for life sustaining treatment to be...
This week's edition of Family weekly highlights include updated guidance on transfer of proceedings under Articles 8 and 9 of the 1996 Hague...
The President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew McFarlane, has released updated guidance on public law children cases with an international element....
Applications to set aside past dealings—MCA 1973, s 37This Practice Note details the jurisdiction and procedure regarding applications under section...
Media access to family proceedingsThis Practice Note sets out the provisions in relation to media access to family proceedings and the limitations...
Electronic signaturesThis Practice Note describes the law of electronic signatures (also known as digital signatures, e-signatures, E-Signatures,...
Family law training materialsIn addition to signposting on Key aspects of family law practice, the following common areas of family law are introduced...
Family Procedure Rules 2010 indexHow to use this indexThis Practice Note provides an index and links to Family Procedure rules 2010 (FPR 2010), SI...
Letter to apply to search for a decree absolute or final orderCentral Family CourtDecree Absolute Search SectionFirst Avenue House42–49 High...
Letter of instruction to a single joint expert to value a vintage or classic car or motorcycle collection (including parts and...
Letter of instruction to a single joint expert to value chattels, jewellery or antiques1IntroductionThis letter is written as a joint instruction to...
Letter of instruction to a single joint expert to value land or property1IntroductionThis letter is written as a joint instruction to you as an expert...
Retained EU law—training materials [Archived]ARCHIVED: This Precedent has been archived and is not maintained.These training materials consist of...
The grounds on which a marriage is voidableOn 6 April 2022, the provisions of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 (DDSA 2020), came into...
The grounds on which a marriage is voidA void marriage is one that will be treated by the court as never having taken place. The grounds on which a...
Reports under section 37 of the Children Act 1989Under section 37 of the Children Act 1989 (ChA 1989), the court has the power to order an...
Notices and restrictionsNotices and restrictions may be used to afford some limited protection of an asset comprising land or property, which...
Void and voidable marriagesThe Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 (MCA 1973) sets out the grounds on which a marriage is void or voidable and the bars...
The meaning and scope of parental responsibilityDefinitionParental responsibility is concerned with the care and upbringing of a child until they grow...
Online divorce (pre-DDSA 2020)The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 (DDSA 2020) is in force from 6 April 2022. Proceedings issued by the...
Notice of actingCase number [insert number][In the principal registryORIn the [insert court location] FAMILY court]Sitting at [insert place]Notice of...
Working with counselInstructing counsel to advocate on a client’s behalf should be a matter of careful thought and preparation. The role of counsel is...
Declarations of parentage—procedureThe procedure for an application for a declaration of parentage is governed by the Family Procedure Rules 2010 (FPR...
The definition of civil partnershipDefinitionWhen introduced by the Civil Partnership Act 2004 (CPA 2004), civil partnerships related only to two...
The Courts and Tribunals Service Centre and divorce centresThe Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 (DDSA 2020) is in force from 6 April 2022....
Separation agreements—client guideThis document provides general guidance regarding separation agreements. Your family lawyer will be able to provide...
Application to vary, extend or discharge a non-molestation or occupation orderUnder the Family Law Act 1996 (FLA 1996) a non-molestation order is an...
Capitalised maintenance—Duxbury calculationsThe basis of Duxbury calculationsA Duxbury calculation is an actuarial calculation designed to identify...
An order providing for a child to visit, stay or have contact with the person named in the order. Now known as a child arrangements order.
A Form A is a court form in family proceedings setting out the applicant's notice of (or intention to proceed with) an application for a financial order.
The process of lodging the summons for calling involves taking the summons up to court with a calling slip and a certificate proving effective service on the defender. Provided that effective service on the defender can be demonstrated, and the relevant period of notice (usually 21 days) has passed, the court will then ‘call’ the summons two days after it is lodged for calling. This commences the court timetable in terms of when the defender must enter appearance and lodge defences. When the summons calls, it appears in the calling list on the court rolls.