This topic contains information to help lawyers get up to speed with EU law and concepts, so they're confident about the subject, and can appropriately frame their advice.
A broad range of trackers to stay on top of key legislation, consultations and cases across several topics including commercial, environment, energy, financial services and TMT.
The EU Law module also includes Lexology Getting The Deal Through. Proprietary jurisdictional guides are available for the EEA Member States, giving lawyers an overview of applicable laws at national level.
Lexis+® EU Law is an online practical guidance product for contentious and non-contentious lawyers giving advice to (and supporting) businesses and organisations operating across the EU.
MedTech Europe has published a 100-page report on the administrative burdens imposed by the new medical device regulations, Regulation (EU) 2017/745...
The European Commission has launched a consultation to determine the optimal approach for applying the Basel III market risk prudential requirements...
The European Commission has adopted Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) of 24.3.2025 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2554 of the European...
The Council of the EU has adopted an amendment to the Benchmarks Regulation aimed at reducing administrative burdens for EU companies, particularly...
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has published an interim report covering its pilot programme for Expert Panel advice to manufacturers of high-risk...
EC trade remedies investigations—ongoing case trackerThis Practice Note tracks live European Commission’s (EC) trade remedy investigations. The...
EU clean energy transition—energy system integrationContextUnder the European Green Deal, the EU has set itself ambitious targets to reduce its...
EU clean energy transition—solar energyContextUnder the European Green Deal, the EU has set ambitious targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions...
Development of EU climate change policyContextHumans are increasingly influencing the climate and the earth's temperature by burning fossil fuels,...
The Vertical Block Exemption Regulation 2022/720A Block Exemption Regulation is a regulatory instrument promulgated by the European Commission...
EU GDPR—2021 standard contractual clauses (SCCs) for the transfer of personal data to third countries—module four—processor to controller—where the...
EU GDPR—2021 standard contractual clauses (SCCs) for the transfer of personal data to third countries—module four—processor to controller—where...
EU GDPR—2021 standard contractual clauses (SCCs) for the transfer of personal data to third countries—module one—controller to controllerSTANDARD...
EU GDPR—2021 standard contractual clauses (SCCs) for the transfer of personal data to third countries—module two—controller to processorSTANDARD...
EU GDPR—2021 standard contractual clauses (SCCs) for the transfer of personal data to third countries—module three—processor to processorSTANDARD...
IP analysis: The Advocate General (AG) has given an opinion in relation to requests for a preliminary ruling in the context of a dispute between the...
EU analysis: In a recent judgement of the Court of Justice, the court held: (i) Where an EU national and their family members had access to NHS, they...
This week's edition of EU Law weekly highlights includes the EU taking legal action against the UK after the publication of the Northern Ireland...
This week's edition of EU Law weekly highlights includes, the Internal Market Committee of the European Parliament adopting its position on European...
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Regulation (EU) 2019/1021 Recast—snapshotTitleRegulation (EU) 2019/1021 of the European Parliament and of the...
This week's edition of EU Law weekly highlights includes the European Parliament adopting a resolution that welcomes the detailed proposals from the...
The EU Regime relating to unit-linked insurance policies—essentialsRegulatory statusLinked long-term contracts are classified as Class III under Annex...
This week’s edition of EU Law weekly highlights includes the publication of updated compliance documents on product safety by the Commission, the...
Waste Framework Directive—snapshotTitleDirective 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing...
EU Law analysis: This judgment by the Court of Justice, Grand Chamber, is about the preliminary reference procedure (Article 267 TFEU) and the power...
The EU Digital Content DirectiveThis Practice Note provides a summary of Directive (EU) 2019/770 (OJ L 136/1) on certain aspects concerning contracts...
This week's edition of EU Law weekly highlights includes the European Commission’s adoption of the July Infringements package, the publication of a...
This week's edition of EU Law weekly highlights includes MEPs testing waters before commencing motion of censure against the Commission, EU Regulation...
This week's edition of EU Law weekly highlights includes Amazon Prime changing its cancellation practices to comply with EU consumer rules, consumer...
Information Law analysis: Charlie Wedin, partner, Katie Simmonds, associate director, and Nina Lazic, associate director, of Osborne Clarke, consider...
This week's edition of EU Law weekly highlights includes the publication of the Commission’s May infringement package, confirmation of the imminent...
Information Law analysis: What are the likely effects of the war in Ukraine on cybersecurity and related obligations under EU and UK data protection...
Life Sciences analysis: The In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Regulation (IVDR) (Regulation (EU) 2017/746) becomes applicable on 26 May 2022. Lisa...
Acte clair is a doctrine that permits national courts of last instance to refrain from requesting a preliminary ruling under Article 267(3) TFEU from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) when the point of EU law at issue is indubitably obvious.
The Common Customs Tariff (CCT) applies to the import of goods from non-EU countries whereas the tariff is common to all EU members and the rates of duty differ depending on the kind of goods and their origin.
The CFSP, formerly the second pillar, is the policy area covering mainly the issues of foreign policy and matters regarding the Union's security and defence policy.