Practical information about copyright, moral rights, performers’ rights and rights in performances. Get precedent copyright assignments and licences here.
Practical information about trade marks, passing off, geographical indications and anti-counterfeiting. Get precedent trade mark assignments and licences here.
Practical information about patents and supplementary protection certificates. Get precedent patent assignments and licences here.
Get guidance on strategic and practical steps for dealing with IP disputes, including ways of trying to avoid them in the first place. Our case analysis highlights points from judgments so you can be confident at work.
This week’s edition of IP weekly highlights includes: a hand-picked summary of news analysis, updates and new content from the world of IP. These...
The Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) has announced on 18 March 2025 that it will add new permissions to its commercial and public sector licences from...
EU Law analysis: The Court of Justice recognised, under Article 25 of Regulation 1215/2012, Brussels I (recast), the validity of asymmetric...
Law360, London: Tesco has asked a London judge to trim the amount of damages Lidl can seek to recover from the British supermarket giant for...
Law360, London: The EU's General Court blocked a German retailer's application to dismiss a Taiwanese lighting company's design for an LED light bulb,...
Drafting a jurisdiction clause—commercial B2B contractsThis Practice Note provides practical guidance when drafting a jurisdiction clause in a...
Executing deeds and documents in property transactions—charitiesIncorporated v unincorporated charitiesThere are currently a number of incorporated or...
Absolute and relative grounds for refusal to register a UK trade markAbsolute and relative groundsA trade mark’s essential function is to be a badge...
Intellectual property, innovation and the environmentClimate change and loss of biodiversity are significant and urgent challenges. There is an...
Execution formalities—incorporated charitiesThis Practice Note provides practical guidance on the execution of documents by incorporated charities,...
Retained EU law—training materials [Archived]ARCHIVED: This Precedent has been archived and is not maintained.These training materials consist of...
Process agent agreementThis Agreement is made on [date]Parties1[insert name of Principal] [of OR a company incorporated in [insert jurisdiction] under...
Draft Settlement agreement—for settling disputes post-commencement of proceedingsThis Agreement is made the day of 20[insert year]Parties:1[insert...
Draft Settlement agreement—pre-action settlementThis Agreement is made the day of 20[insert year]Parties:1[insert name of party], a company registered...
Trade mark assignment—pro-assigneeThis Deed is made on [insert date]Parties1[insert name] [of OR a company incorporated in [England and Wales] under...
Introduction to passing offUnlike many other countries, the UK has no unfair competition law. Brand owners seeking to prevent competitors from...
Copyright infringement—remediesThis Practice Note covers the remedies available for copyright infringement.The remedies available in cases of...
Intellectual property international treaties and conventionsIP laws are almost always national in nature. However, there are many conventions and...
Introduction to revocation of patentsPatents may be revoked, that is, taken off the register of patents, if it is decided that they are invalid in...
Joint ownership of intellectual property rightsWhen parties collaborate on creative projects or research and development, complex questions arise...
Exploiting intellectual property rightsIP rights are only valuable if they make money for the business. Even if they are used in the business, a...
1 Intellectual property rights indemnity 1.1 The Supplier shall defend the Customer against any third party claim that...
Commercial use of fonts and typefacesTypefaces are a key component of a brand’s identity, using a unique typeface helps a business to distinguish...
Sub-licensing intellectual property rightsAn intellectual property (IP) owner may choose to license its IP to a third party. This can be an effective...
Copyright—authorship and ownershipThe Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA 1988) defines the author of a work as the person who created it....
Patent term, renewal and restorationThis Practice Note explains how long a patent lasts, how it must be maintained by renewal in order to last that...
Moral rightsThe nature of moral rightsThe Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA 1988) confers a number of personal rights on authors that are...
Civil and criminal remedies for intellectual property infringementThis Practice Note provides an overview of the civil and criminal remedies which can...
Defences and exceptions to trade mark infringementThe registration of a trade mark gives the owner the exclusive right to prevent others from using...
Parallel importsScopeThis Practice Note explains trade mark law on parallel trade. Parallel imports, or ‘grey market’ goods, are genuine goods that...
Trade mark assignment and licensingTrade marks can be exploited in a number of ways. They might be directly exploited by a trade mark owner (ie by...
Copyright infringementThe Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA 1988) gives the copyright owner exclusive rights in the UK to carry out...
IP rights and semiconductorsBackground to semiconductorsA semiconductor is essentially any material which has electrical conductivity and can thus...
“convertible shares” means shares that are— (a) convertible securities, or (b) an interest in convertible securities,
The copying of a copyright work is an act restricted by the copyright.
A property right which is granted in relation to certain performances and which grants both exclusive right and other rights to the owner of the right.