About Ireland - Dispute Resolution

Trying to get to grips with the law underlying your dispute? Looking at trying to settle? Puzzled by costs and funding reforms? Out of your depth on jurisdiction issues? Lexis+ Ireland - Dispute Resolution provides all the practical guidance, insights and knowledge tools to get the job done.
Our coverage encompasses Irish court procedures, ADR, cross-border matters, appeals, judicial review, enforcement, and civil proceeding costs, along with practice notes on various claims and Companies Acts applications.

Civil Procedure—Pre-Trial

Guidance on the key procedural issues and practical considerations involved in initiating and managing a claim in the Irish courts prior to a substantive hearing.

Types of action

Guidance on areas like personal injury, contractual breach, corporate disputes, negligence and defamation to ensure you’re familiar with the substantive law and procedural provisions.

Civil appeals and judicial review

We outline the key principles and procedural requirements of civil appeals and judicial review proceedings in the Irish courts.

Alternative dispute resolution and settlement

In addition to clear overviews of alternative dispute resolution processes such as mediation and arbitration, we provide guidance on the process of settlement and how to document it.

Our Top Sources

Associated legal terms