Guidance for key emerging technologies, such as AI, NFTs, the Metaverse and autonomous vehicles, explaining both how the technologies work and the key legal regimes (existing and new) that apply to their operation.
Core content for all TMT lawyers, this topic contains key 'go-to' precedents and practice notes at the route of most TMT related issues. Some of most popular areas are the software and cloud computing topics.
Our content covers simple outsourcing transactions as well as those with a more complex structure, and the impact of hyperscalers and recognised market practice relating to the negotiation and drafting of affected terms.
Whether you're advising on adtech, cookies or NFTs, Lexis+® TMT has the know-how and tools to help you succeed.
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has published its response on 24 March 2025 to the UK government's consultation on live events ticket...
MLex: Responses to a recent consultation on a future UK regulatory regime for cryptoassets show the industry is divided on whether the Consumer Duty,...
Ofcom has opened a consultation on its proposed regulation of fixed telecoms markets for 2026-2031. The consultation outlines plans to maintain...
Welcome to this week’s edition of the TMT weekly highlights: a hand-picked summary of news analysis, updates and new content from across the...
MLex: More details of the pilot digital bond have been published on 18 March 2025 by the HM Treasury as it seeks input from potential suppliers and...
Settling disputes—how to document a settlementThis Practice Note identifies the different means by which a settlement can be documented, namely by...
Settling disputes—settlement offers (Calderbank, WPSAC and Part 36)This Practice Note identifies the different forms which an offer to settle a...
Settling disputes—drafting the settlement agreementThis Practice Note considers the key issues when drafting a settlement agreement, including correct...
Introduction to public contracts procurementSTOP PRESS: As of 24 February 2025, the main provisions of the Procurement Act 2023 (PA 2023) are in...
Mediation—confidentiality and privilegeConfidentiality is particularly important in the context of mediation to enable parties to participate fully....
Draft Settlement agreement—pre-action settlementThis Agreement is made the day of 20[insert year]Parties:1[insert name of party], a company registered...
Draft Settlement agreement—for settling disputes post-commencement of proceedingsThis Agreement is made the day of 20[insert year]Parties:1[insert...
Standard contractual clauses for international transfers—2010—controller to processor—ICO templates [Archived]ARCHIVED: This Precedent has been...
Transition scheduleSchedule—Transition1Introduction1.1This Schedule describes how the Services will be transferred from the Customer to the Supplier...
Multi-sourcing (towers) agreementThis Agreement is made on [date]Parties1[Customer] a company incorporated in [England] with registered number...
Malicious falsehoodThis Practice Note provides an introduction to the tort of malicious falsehood. Unlike a claim for defamation, there is no...
DefamationThe tort of defamation is governed by a mixture of statute and common law. The relevant statutory law is contained in:•the Defamation Act...
Defamation and social mediaThe internet and, in particular, social media is a high risk area for defamation litigation. Content posted on blogs,...
DeepfakesThis Practice Note considers the following legal issues, technical information and applications of deepfakes:•What is a deepfake?•How...
Copyright in films and television programmesFor the purposes of copyright law the term 'film' means a recording, on any medium, from which a moving...
Key issues in software licence agreementsSoftware can be broadly defined as a computer program comprising a series of instructions which, in...
Defamation—defencesDefencesThere are a number of substantive defences to a defamation claim, the majority of which are now, since the Defamation Act...
Defamation—limitationThe ordinary time limit for defamation and malicious falsehood claimsA claimant must commence a claim for defamation within one...
Advertising law and regulationThis Practice Note introduces the laws and regulations governing advertising in general and covers:...
Prize promotionsThis Practice Note examines the law and regulation that applies to operating prize promotions, including prize competitions and free...
Software escrowIntroductionEscrow is the process of two or more parties placing property or instruments in the hands of a trusted third party (an...
Using framework agreements for servicesFramework agreements (sometimes referred to as master services agreements) are essentially umbrella agreements...
Copying software and copyrightThis Practice Note examines legal and practical issues relating to the copying of software. It sets out software...
The commercialisation of sportSport has become a big business. It is now widely recognised not only as a pastime or recreation but as an industry in...
An automated calling system does what the name suggests. It is a system that: • automatically calls a series of different telephone numbers, and • transmits a message which is not live speech
A software-only instance of a computer device, commonly a server, that runs on a physical computer, known as the host, using a portion of the physical resources (such as memory, storage and processing) available on the host. This allows multiple virtual machines to run on a single physical host device.
The abstraction of physical computing resources (such as memory, storage and processing) from the servers and applications that users interact with. Virtualisation can be applied to many computing technologies including servers, storage, networking and applications but in each case the virtualised technology acts like its real physical equivalent.