Determining planning applications—procedure

Published by a LexisNexis Planning expert
Practice notes

Determining planning applications—procedure

Published by a LexisNexis Planning expert

Practice notes

Legislation and guidance

The statutory Requirements relating to the determination of planning applications are set out in:

  1. the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (DMPO 2015), SI 2015/595 in England, and

  2. the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012 (DMPO 2012), SI 2012/801 in Wales

In England, guidance on determining planning applications is set out in Planning Practice Guidance (PPG).

Validity of a planning application

On receipt of a planning application, the local planning Authority (LPA) must determine whether the application is valid.

The submission of a valid application for planning permission requires:

  1. a completed application form

  2. compliance with national information requirements

  3. the correct application fee

  4. provision of local information requirements

LPAs should acknowledge receipt of a valid application. If the application is deemed invalid, the LPA must notify the applicant.

Once a valid application is received, the application is placed on the planning register. The determination process should be commenced as soon as the application is received. In England, the time periods for the determination

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Key definition:
Requirements definition
What does Requirements mean?

A DCO should include “Requirements” to which the development authorised by the DCO is to be subject. Similar to planning conditions, a requirement specifies the matters for which detailed approval needs to be obtained before the development can be lawfully begin.

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