Planning applications and decisions

STOP PRESS: An updated version of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was published on 12 December 2024. This content is being reviewed in accordance with the latest version.

An application for planning permission for development is made to the local planning authority (LPA). This will normally be the district council or London Borough, or the county or county borough council in Wales.

'County matters' are the responsibility of county councils in non-metropolitan areas. These include the winning and working of minerals and the deposit of waste.

Full or outline planning applications

An application for outline planning permission provides a decision on the general principles of how a site can be developed. Outline planning permission is granted subject to conditions requiring the subsequent approval of one or more ‘reserved matters’. Once outline planning permission has been granted, 'reserved matters’ applications must be made within three years, before any detailed work could go ahead.

An application for full planning permission results in a decision on the detailed proposals of how a site can be developed. See Practice Notes: Applying for planning permission—procedure and Discharging reserved matters conditions on outline planning permissions.



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