When disposing of a charity’s ‘designated land’ and there is a power of sale within the Charities Scheme, is there a requirement to comply with section 121 of the Charities Act 2011 and give public notice of the disposition inviting representations?
Section 121 of the Charities Act 2011 (CA 2011) places a requirement on the trustees of a charity to give notice if they are disposing of designated land unless one of the exemptions applies. Generally speaking, if a charity is disposing of designated land and they are not going to replace it, they will most likely have to advertise the disposition under CA 2011, s 121.
The trustees should first ensure that they have the requisite power to dispose of the designated land and that there are no restrictions within the Scheme from doing so. This Q&A refers to charity’s ‘designated land’ and states that there is a power of sale of this land within the charity’s Scheme, therefore this Q&A is being considered on the basis that the charity does have the power to dispose
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