Sale contract—environmental provisions

Published by a LexisNexis Environment expert

Sale contract—environmental provisions

Published by a LexisNexis Environment expert


Produced in partnership with ELM Law

As of exit day (31 January 2020) the UK is no longer an EU Member State. However, in accordance with the withdrawal agreement, the UK has entered an implementation period, during which it continues to be subject to EU law. This has an impact on this content.

For further guidance, see Practice Note: brexit—impact on environmental law and News Analysis: Brexit Bulletin—key updates, research tips and resources.


Environmental Provisions

  1. 1


  2. In this Schedule the following words unless the context otherwise requires have the following, meanings


    1. the presence or accumulation of any Hazardous Substances at, in, on, over or under the Property

    Contaminated Land Regime

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Key definition:
Partnership definition
What does Partnership mean?

A partnership (as defined) formed under the Partnership Act 1890 (PA 1890) and governed by English law is the 'relation that subsists between two or more persons carrying on business in common with a view of profit' and is also referred to as a ‘firm’.

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