COP16 resumed negotiations conclude with landmark resource mobilisation agreement
The resumed meeting of the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) concluded in Rome on 27 February 2025, resulting in three key outcomes. First, a new resource mobilisation agreement was reached, outlining a strategy for global collaboration and identifying various instruments, mechanisms, and institutions to mobilise the necessary funds for implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF). Second, a Monitoring Framework for the KMGBF was finalised, which will enable UN CBD parties to consistently measure and report progress against its 23 targets and four goals, strengthening the international community's ability to monitor the global state of nature. Lastly, the Cali Fund was launched to facilitate the fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources, allowing companies utilising genetic databases derived from nature to voluntarily direct funds to indigenous peoples and local communities who protect biodiversity. Agreements were also reached on the measurement and use of indicators, and decisions were made on the procedures for reviewing KMGBF implementation progress at COP17 as part of the planned global stocktake.