The tribunal

Choosing your tribunal

This Practice Note sets out some practical tips about how to choose the right people to form the arbitral tribunal. It emphasises the importance of appointing the tribunal in accordance with the provisions of the arbitration agreement and the considerations you may take into account when preparing a shortlist of potential candidates.

For further guidance, see Practice Note: Choosing your arbitral tribunal.

Questions for potential arbitrators

This Practice Note considers the purpose and value in obtaining information on potential arbitrators. It sets out possible questions to consider, asking potential candidates and details on the means by which such information may be gathered, such as arbitration questionnaires and resources that collate data on arbitrators. It also considers the drawbacks, such as confirmatory bias that may arise due to the use of pre-arbitration questions.

For further guidance, see Practice Note: Questions for potential arbitrators.

Appointing the tribunal under the AA 1996 in England and Wales

This Practice Note sets out how to appoint a tribunal in an ad-hoc arbitration under the Arbitration Act 1996 (AA 1996) or in other ...

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