EU competition regulation

The European Commission (Commission) is the principle EU regulator tasked with enforcing and supervising EU competition law.

The Commission will investigate and take action against particular types of behaviour, for example, cartel activity and dominant companies trying to leverage their market power. It will also investigate merger cases and assess State aid.

EU competition law

There are four principle areas of EU competition law:

  1. the prohibition on anti-competitive agreements under Article 101 TFEU (see further, The prohibition on restrictive agreements)

  2. the prohibition on the abuse of a dominant position under Article 102 TFEU (see further, the prohibition on abuse of dominance)

  3. merger control under the EU Merger Regulation (Regulation 139/2004), which requires the prior notification of transactions that meet the required thresholds to the Commission (see further, a 'concentration' with an EU dimension), and

  4. the prohibition on illegal State Aid under Articles 107-109 TFEU, where a Member State provides aid to selected companies over others that impacts competition and affects trade between Member States (see further, State aid).

EU competition law is enforced by the Commission (with appeals

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