UK Competition law—daily round-up (28/03/2025)
A round-up of UK competition law developments, including (amongst other things) the CMA’s decision that Safran/Collins Aerospace merger meets the test for reference to phase 2.
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) investigates allegations of anti-competitive behaviour that have an impact in the UK (breaches of Chapter I and/or Chapter II of the Competition Act 1998). Investigations are carried out under the Competition Act 1998 (CA 1998).
Investigations can start in one of four ways:
a company involved in wrongdoing blowing the whistle
an individual involved in wrongdoing blowing the whistle
a complaint from a third party, or
the CMA receiving general market intelligence suggesting a breach of competition law.
If an investigation is launched, it will follow a set process. Investigations can take several years to complete.
If the CMA finds that competition law has been breached, it can impose severe penalties on undertakings, including large fines.
If a potential investigation involves a regulated sector where the sectoral regulator has concurrent competition powers, an investigation may be carried out by either the sectoral regulator or the CMA (see below).
For a review of the investigation process, see CMA behavioural investigation process. For a flowchart setting out the different stages of
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