
Forgery offences

The main forgery offences under the Forgery and Counterfeiting Act 1981 (FCA 1981) include:

  1. making a false instrument with intent

  2. using a false instrument with intent

  3. copying a false instrument with intent

  4. using a copy of a false instrument with intent

  5. having custody or control of specific instruments and materials (stamps, passports, identity documents etc) with intent

  6. having custody or control of specific instruments (stamps, passport, identity documents) and materials

Practice Note: Forgery which explains the offences of forgery contained in the FCA 1981. It deals with the offence of making a false instrument under FCA 1981, s 1 including the elements of the offence and in particular what is meant by instrument, what is meant by false and making, what is meant by prejudice and induce. It also covers penalties and jurisdiction for the offence under section 1. Additionally, the Practice Note explains the offences of copying a false instrument under FCA 1981, s 2 using a false instrument under FCA 1981, s 3 using a copy of a false instrument under FCA 1981, s 4

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