UK Corporate Governance Code resources

The UK Corporate Governance Code (UKCG Code) is a central part of the UK’s corporate governance regime. It is administered by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC). It applies to a company with a listing of equity shares in the equity shares (commercial companies) category or the closed-ended investment funds category. The UKCG Code sets out standards of good practice for the management and control of such a company.

To meet certain requirements of the UK Listing Rules, a company listed in the commercial companies category or the closed-ended investment funds category must apply the principles of the UKCG Code and comply with, or explain why it has not complied with, each of its provisions in its annual report and accounts. In addition, many other companies choose to apply the principles of the UKCG Code and comply or explain under its provisions, although they are not required to do so.

There are two versions of the UKCG

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