Continuing obligations

This overview is a guide to the Corporate content within the Main Market—Continuing obligations subtopic with links to the appropriate materials. It summarises the continuing rules and regulations to which a company with shares admitted to trading on the main market of the London Stock Exchange plc (LSE) and to listing on the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is subject.

Continuing obligations

A company with shares admitted to trading on the main market of the LSE and to listing on the Official List of the FCA (listed company), is subject to an increased level of regulation compared to an unlisted company. In addition to the statutory and common law provisions applicable to all public companies, listed companies must comply with the continuing obligations contained in the UK Listing Rules and Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules (DTR) (which form part of the FCA Handbook), the UK Market Abuse Regulation, corporate governance rules and the LSE’s Admission and Disclosure Standards (among other obligations).

The directors of a listed company will need to be aware of their duties and liabilities as directors of a listed company and

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