Nature of membership

The Companies Act 2006 (CA 2006) states that the subscribers to a company's memorandum of association are deemed to have agreed to become members of the company. On the company’s incorporation, they become its members and must be entered as such in its register of members. Following incorporation, a person becomes a member of a company after they have agreed to be a member and have had their name entered in its register of members.

Register of members

Every company (whether it has a share capital or not) is required to keep a register of members, which contains certain information about each of its members and former members. This register records and determines who the members of the company are. In addition, it provides information on issues such as whether: any shares in the company are held jointly; the company has issued share warrants and had those share warrants surrendered; the company is, or has been, a single member company (in the case of a limited company); and the company holds treasury shares following a share buyback. However, CA 2006 requires that no notice of any trust (expressed,

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