Employment Appeal Tribunal

The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) exists and derives its substantive powers from statute. It is a superior court of record and therefore of equivalent status to the High Court.

The EAT's central office is in London. Generally, hearings take place in London and Edinburgh.

The EAT has its own set of rules and also a Practice Direction (the 2023 Practice Direction [Archived] replaced the 2018 Practice Direction with effect from 30 September 2023).

Operation of the Employment Appeal Tribunal during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

The operation of the EAT was affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Several announcements were made concerning how the EAT would operate during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (on 20 March 2020, 25 March 2020 (revised on 26 March 2020) and 9 April 2020) by the then President of the Employment Appeal Tribunal, Choudhury P.

In addition:

  1. the Employment Appeal Tribunal (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Rules 2020, SI 2020/415 (the EAT Amendment Rules 2020), made a temporary amendment to Rule 29 of the EAT Rules, with effect from 10 April 2020, to specify that an EAT hearing may be conducted by means of electronic communication

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