International electricity and gas regulation


This is an overview of the key content to be found in our International electricity and gas regulation subtopic. It briefly explains the nature of this content and provides links to it.

Ireland and Northern Ireland

  1. Practice Note: The Northern Ireland electricity market—an introduction provides an introduction to the Northern Ireland (NI) electricity market, its key players and underlying legislation, its system of support for renewable energy projects (or current lack of the same) and the potential impact of Brexit on the new all-island integrated Single Electricity Market (I-SEM)

  2. Practice Note: Island of Ireland Single Electricity Market (SEM)—an introduction provides a detailed introduction to the all-Ireland (ie NI and Republic of Ireland (RoI)) Single Electricity Market (SEM) (these days also sometimes referred to as I-SEM). As well as the mechanics of the SEM itself, among other things this Practice Note includes coverage of the key facets of the island of Ireland electricity generation, electricity supply, wholesale electricity trading, and electricity interconnection markets. It also introduces the key commercial entities operating in the Irish electricity market along with the government departments, energy regulators (the

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