Nuclear licensing and regulation


This is an overview of the key content to be found in our subtopic Nuclear licensing and regulation. It briefly explains the nature of this content and provides links to it.

For more information on other aspects of nuclear energy, see our subtopics:

  1. International Nuclear Agreements

  2. Nuclear decommissioning

  3. Nuclear liability

  4. New nuclear

  5. Nuclear projects

Nuclear energy licensing and regulation

Responsibilities for regulation of the UK civil nuclear industry are shared between several regulatory bodies, reflecting the distinction between the common duties owed by any generator of electricity and the additional duties arising from the unique attributes of nuclear energy generation. Nuclear-specific regulation has been significantly consolidated by the creation of the Office for Nuclear Regulation, replacing several bodies which had previously been responsible for regulating various different aspects of the nuclear industry. In addition, there are other government bodies which, while lacking general regulatory or supervisory powers, exercise specific facilitating and decision making functions and thereby have a significant role in the UK civil nuclear industry.

For more information, see the following:

  1. Practice Note: The National Security and Investment

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