Environmental incentives

Environmental incentives—content

The content in this subtopic deals with environmental incentives and includes the following Practice Notes:

  1. Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (NDRHI)—scheme closure and key continuing features—provides a detailed overview of the non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). It includes an overview of the non-domestic RHI eligibility requirements, application process and ongoing obligations. It also includes a summary of the substantive changes that were implemented by the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme Regulations 2018 and the further changes introduced by the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme and Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme (Amendment) Regulations 2018. This includes coverage of the ‘tariff guarantees’, updated power efficiency requirements, biomethane commissioning, and new forms of excluded heat use. The note concludes with an explanation of the interface between the RHI and Feed-in Tariffs (FiT), the RHI and the Renewables Obligation (RO), the RHI and Contracts for Difference (CfD), and the RHI and the Capacity Market

  2. Renewable heat incentive (domestic)—considers the key features of the domestic RHI scheme

  3. Feed-in tariff (FIT)—key features—considers the key features of the now closed FiT scheme (sometimes known as the ‘small scale Feed-in Tariff’ or ‘small

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