Transparency order documents in financial remedy proceedings may be shared with non-attending reporters (Vince v Vince)
Family analysis: Mr Justice Cusworth provided helpful guidance on transparency orders, which will be particularly useful for those advising in high-profile financial remedy proceedings with a substantial media interest. The substantive proceedings (see DAV v KV) concerned the division of circa £129.65m, of which the husband’s business comprised the majority of the asset base. As the current transparency guidance does not expressly deal with the forwarding of documents already provided under a transparency order to attending reporters (a ‘comparatively grey area’), the husband sought to limit the availability of the documents to the attending reporters only. His arguments were roundly rejected by the court, which clarified that the forwarding of documents to non-attending reporters would be permissible, provided they had been served with the relevant transparency order. David Wilkinson, solicitor at Slater Heelis, considers the issues.